Thursday, January 31, 2008

Pictures of Luke

Here are some recent pictures of Luke. He's so much fun and is getting bigger everyday! We took the top two pictures tonight, the one of him sleeping was the other day, the one in his car seat was before we went to his doctor's appointment yesterday, and the last one on his changing table was last night. Look how tiny he looks on that changing table! So cute!

Yesterday we had his 2 week pediatritian appointment and he is doing great. He now weighs 9 lb 4 oz, the doc said that is a good weight gain and he must be eating a lot! He also grew one and a half inches, now he is 21 inches long. So everything is going good for us and he is a healthy happy little guy. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Picture time

Aunt Jamie is into photography and took these cute pictures for us on Sunday. We're lucky to have a photographer in the family, we'll be having her take pictures a lot so there will probably be lots of pictures of him here!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Eyes open!

We finally got some pictures of Luke with his eyes open the other day. He is starting to have more awake times now and his eyes are getting more used to the light. It's really fun to see him learn to focus in on things. Before it seemed like he was just staring off into space but now he looks at me and Cory when we are talking to him. It's so cute and fun to see! 

I feel like he's already grown up a lot in a week and a half! What's funny is most the time when he opens his eyes he also raises his eyebrows really high so his forehead gets all crinkly, we don't think he's realized that he can open his eyes without lifting his eyebrows up! It's really cute when he does it because his forehead gets all crinkly like that, you can see it in a couple of these pictures.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

First bath

We gave Luke his first bath today. He wasn't too excited about it at first but he got better towards the end. His favorite part was getting wrapped up in his warm towel after! Cute little guy.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

He is here!

Our precious little Luke was born on Thursday, Jan. 10th at 7:41 pm and weighed 8lbs 9oz and measured 19 1/2 inches. He is a cuddly little guy and has quite a bit of dark hair and long fingers and toes! He is such a good boy, he has such a sweet little temperment and personality. His favorite thing is getting swaddled up real tight and cozy by his daddy after his diaper change, it makes him smile. :)

We are home now and all doing well! The labor lasted about 12 hours but once I got the epidural it wasn't bad until I had to push. He is a big boy so I pushed for a good two hours before getting him out. The pushing was harder than I expected but definitely worth every second of it. We love him so much! He is our cute little guy and our biggest blessing!