The last week has been an interesting one for our family at bedtime. Luke has had a little case of collic since he was tiny. It was scary because he would choke a lot at night (from his spit up - I guess this choking is caused by colic). So the doctor told us it would help to have him sleep in his car seat so his head would be elevated. It helped that he LOVED sleeping in his car seat. We would swing him in it to sleep and he would be out in like 2 minutes. So we had him sleeping in his carseat, with the carseat sat inside his bassinet next to our bed. Then I started bouncing or rocking him to sleep everynight and also at nap times. He'd fall asleep in my arms, and then i'd set him down in his car seat to sleep. But as he was getting older this was taking longer and longer, I would bounce him for probably around 20 minutes each time I put him to sleep, and then when I went to set him down half of the time he would wake up and I have to do it all over again!
He hasn't done the chokey colic thing for a couple weeks so we decided it was time to move him out of the carseat so he'd be sleeping flat. He has outgrown his bassinet, so we decided we'd have him start sleeping in his crib. We knew this would probably be a hard transition, so we decided we'd do it all at once - move him in his crib AND stop bouncing/rocking him to sleep so he can learn to put himself to sleep. But we didn't know how hard it would be!
I HATE letting him cry, and those first two nights were SO HARD! The first night we just had to let him cry, me standing by his bed because I didn't want to leave him in there all alone. I think he cried for about 2 hours straight, then finally feel asleep. I thought he had it! No way...he was up a half hour later, and went through the whole thing all over again. He didn't cry as long this time, but same thing. And this went on all night long. Poor baby!! I felt so bad for him...he must have just been so uncomfotable being used to feeling all snug sleeping in the car seat, plus me not bouncing him anymore. But I knew we had to stick it out. I don't think I realized how hard it would be for me to move him into his own room...even when he finally was asleep I was still walking into his room checking on him every 10 minutes! The next night we put his mattress on the floor and I set up a bed on the floor next to him. It was too hard the night before with me going in and out of his room all night, I figured I might as well sleep in there! This night wasn't quite as bad, he fell asleep faster in the beginning but he was still up almost every half hour, going through it all again.
The next day we went down to St. George for Memorial Weekend and we decided we had to stick to having him sleep flat (this time in his pack and play bassinet) and not rocking him to sleep so it wouldn't undo everthing we had been working on, and we thought it was going to be horrible, and he'd keep the whole house up all night! But amazingly enough, he slept...good! He fell asleep after only about 20 minutes of crying and only woke up once to eat! Same thing the next two nights we were down there, but he even fell asleep faster!
So we have conquered it. He still fusses a bit when he's put down but usually for only a few minutes, and then falls right to sleep! It is great! Only problem...all the sudden the last two nights he is waking up again every 2-3 hours to eat! I don't know what is going on! Is he still adjusting to the new bed...or is he just really hungry? We had him eating rice cereal but suddenly one day he decided he didn't like it and he just spits it out, so maybe he's not full enough at night? I don't know...but now I'm starting to remember how tiring it is to wake up that often to feed! Hopefully he gets sleeping longer stretches again soon!
But the good news is he is sleeping good in his very own crib! Only 4 1/2 months later :). Here is a picture of him sleeping today during his nap...
He hasn't done the chokey colic thing for a couple weeks so we decided it was time to move him out of the carseat so he'd be sleeping flat. He has outgrown his bassinet, so we decided we'd have him start sleeping in his crib. We knew this would probably be a hard transition, so we decided we'd do it all at once - move him in his crib AND stop bouncing/rocking him to sleep so he can learn to put himself to sleep. But we didn't know how hard it would be!
I HATE letting him cry, and those first two nights were SO HARD! The first night we just had to let him cry, me standing by his bed because I didn't want to leave him in there all alone. I think he cried for about 2 hours straight, then finally feel asleep. I thought he had it! No way...he was up a half hour later, and went through the whole thing all over again. He didn't cry as long this time, but same thing. And this went on all night long. Poor baby!! I felt so bad for him...he must have just been so uncomfotable being used to feeling all snug sleeping in the car seat, plus me not bouncing him anymore. But I knew we had to stick it out. I don't think I realized how hard it would be for me to move him into his own room...even when he finally was asleep I was still walking into his room checking on him every 10 minutes! The next night we put his mattress on the floor and I set up a bed on the floor next to him. It was too hard the night before with me going in and out of his room all night, I figured I might as well sleep in there! This night wasn't quite as bad, he fell asleep faster in the beginning but he was still up almost every half hour, going through it all again.
The next day we went down to St. George for Memorial Weekend and we decided we had to stick to having him sleep flat (this time in his pack and play bassinet) and not rocking him to sleep so it wouldn't undo everthing we had been working on, and we thought it was going to be horrible, and he'd keep the whole house up all night! But amazingly enough, he slept...good! He fell asleep after only about 20 minutes of crying and only woke up once to eat! Same thing the next two nights we were down there, but he even fell asleep faster!
So we have conquered it. He still fusses a bit when he's put down but usually for only a few minutes, and then falls right to sleep! It is great! Only problem...all the sudden the last two nights he is waking up again every 2-3 hours to eat! I don't know what is going on! Is he still adjusting to the new bed...or is he just really hungry? We had him eating rice cereal but suddenly one day he decided he didn't like it and he just spits it out, so maybe he's not full enough at night? I don't know...but now I'm starting to remember how tiring it is to wake up that often to feed! Hopefully he gets sleeping longer stretches again soon!
But the good news is he is sleeping good in his very own crib! Only 4 1/2 months later :). Here is a picture of him sleeping today during his nap...