Last Saturday Cory, Luke and I went to the Zoo with my mom, dad, and sister. It was Luke's first visit to the Zoo, and he really enjoyed it! I thought he would like it because he has a little baby einstein video called "Baby Noah" he has been watching and it has all sorts of animals in it, pictures of cartoon ones and real ones, and he loves it. Sure enough, he loved the zoo too. I kept telling him we were going to the Zoo to see real animals all day...I'm not sure if he understood or not but I think he realized something exciting was going to happen because once we got to the zoo and loaded him in his stroller he was bouncing up and down and all excited as we were walking through the entrance and to the animals. Of all the animals, he probably liked the lama and the giraffe the best. The lama came up really close to us through the fence and he thought that was pretty neat, he was smiling and excited. When we got to the giraffes he was pretty interested, but when we went inside the building that gets you on level with the giraffe's heads eating there hay he really liked that. He stood there for forever looking at them and trying to climb up the fence to get a closer look. It was a good day!