Thursday, June 25, 2009
Mmm...smells so nice
Luke loves to smell flowers. Everytime we walk past flowers or even sometimes just a regular plant or bush he has to smell it! I always say, "yes Luke, flowers smell so nice."

Softball Mania
Cory is in two softball leagues this year, a rec league on Tuesday nights and our ward's softball team on Friday nights, so we've been going to his games and getting plenty of game watching time in. Luke really likes it. He actually will sit there and watch the games a bit and he loves to clap for the players, especially Cory.The other night when I took these pictures I had just gotten Luke this little baseball outfit that day, and he really likes the hat, I think he thinks it's cool because it's like daddy's hats. My brother-in-law (Cory's brother) Jason was up from St. George and came to Cory's game and he is in the last picture with Luke. Jason is great with Luke, Luke loves him.
The Curious Case of Lukey Button
The other day we were at my parent's house and Luke got a hold of these reading glasses. I always crack up when he puts on glasses (he loves to wear them), he always looks so funny, but this time we had just watched that movie "The Curious Case of Benjammin Button" a few days before and with these glasses on Luke looked just like Brad Pitt when he was the old man-baby in the beginning of the movie! If you've seen it you'll know what I mean. Anyway, couldn't resist a picture.

Air Jordan's
Since Luke was a tiny baby Cory has been itching to get him some Air Jordan shoes. So we decided we would get him some for his first birthday. Cory was way excited and picked them out, it was the highlight present of Luke's birthday for Cory. However, Luke wasn't as excited about them as Cory was. We would put them on him and he wouldn't walk! It was like they were so heavy and he had just started walking, you could just see him thinking... "what the heck are these big clonky things! And you expect me to walk in them??" He finally started walking with them on but it looked like he was walking on the moon - he would take giant big high steps and get frustrated after a minute of trying to walk like this. Cory was pretty disappointed, so after some consoling I convinced him that maybe Luke was too little for Air Jordan's and we could go back and exchange them for a couple sizes bigger and that by summer or fall he would probably be ready for them. So we did the exchange. A few weeks ago Cory pulled out the Jordan's. They are still a size or so big for Luke, but Cory put them on him, and my what a difference 5 months make! Luke LOVES them! The first couple days he was so proud and would constantly want to wear them around the house or wherever he could and would point to them and show everyone. It's cute because I think I told him so many times that daddy got him the shoes that he sometimes points to them and says "dada". The newness has worn off a little but he still loves them and sometimes just insists on wearing them. Like the night in this picture below. He was all ready for bed in his jammies and kind of in a fussy mood and brought me the shoes, so we put them on, and they made him happy.

First Ice Cream Cone
The other day we got Luke his first very own ice cream cone. He's had plenty of ice cream up until now but we always just give him bites of ours. But we decided he has moved onto the kiddy cone. Probably the main reason we'd waited until now is because we realized giving him his own cone would bring messes...if we feed him bites, it stays mostly in his mouth. But he really liked having his very own ice cream and he gobbled it right up, even the cone!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Starting to understand about "baby sister" on the way?
I worry that Luke has no idea what is coming with this new baby on the way. He is pretty young, only 17 months, so it is hard to explain to him. Everyone keeps saying things to him like "you have a baby coming" or "are you excited for your little sister?"...and I can tell he has no idea what they are talking about. We try pointing to my stomach and telling him there is a baby inside but I think this confuses him more! But I think being at the cabin with our friends and their 10 month old baby might have helped. She is really not that much younger than Luke, but I think it was good for him to be around her because we really don't have any family or close friends with little babies. I kept saying..."do you want a little sister like Myah?" "Lets get a baby like Myah!" I think all my comments might have started sinking and maybe it clicked to him what a baby actually is and that we might be getting one because since we've been back he LOVES reading a little book I got him called "My New Baby." Maybe coincidence? Here are the two munchkins...
Loving the Outdoors and the Elk
Last week our friends Adam and Marci invited us to go to their family's cabin up at Flamming Gorge and spent the night. It was lots of fun and Luke loved playing around out in nature. The guys decided they wanted to go fishing so Marci and I took the kids up to walk around on the trail by the lake before it got too late. Luke LOVED going up and down that trail, he was cruising it and wouldn't walk, he had to run! I tried to stay close behind him and luckily we didn't have any falls.

In the cabin there was an Elk head. Luke was obsessed with it! He kept pointing and grunting and yelling at it. Cory made the mistake of lifting him up and letting him touch it once, after that it was all over, all Luke wanted to do was to be lifted up to touch that thing! He loves animals, maybe he didn't understand that this one wasn't actually alive? :)

We stopped at the visitor's center at Flamming Gorge on our way home and Cory couldn't resist getting Luke this Elk stuffed animal in memory of the Elk head at the cabin Luke couldn't get enough of. He loves this stuffed animal. He has many stuffed animals and he loves to play with them, this one has joined the group of his favorites.
We stopped at the visitor's center at Flamming Gorge on our way home and Cory couldn't resist getting Luke this Elk stuffed animal in memory of the Elk head at the cabin Luke couldn't get enough of. He loves this stuffed animal. He has many stuffed animals and he loves to play with them, this one has joined the group of his favorites.
We've gone boating a few times with my family so far this season. Cory has been getting some pretty good height when he jumps, he can easily jump the wake. This picture doesn't do him justice but it was worth a shot. Luke loves being in the boat and is a very dedicated clapper for his daddy when Cory is out there wakeboarding. Luke thinks the boat is pretty cool and says "Boa" "Boa", doesn't quite get the "T" on the end to get out the whole word, but he's close.

Thursday, June 11, 2009
The Air Show
Luke loves airplanes. Whenever he sees an airplane or helicopter in the air he stops to point at it and says "uhhh, uhhh" to get our attention and won't let it out of his site until it is completely gone. So we decided to take him to the air show, we knew he would love all the airplanes, and he did! He kept pointing with his little finger in the air to the planes as they would pass by, very observant and intent on watching every airplane. Cory was probably just as excited as Luke to be there truth be told, he loves airplanes and that sort of thing too. We were a little nervous because Cory had been before and said some of the airplanes are REALLY loud, so we were afraid that it might scare Luke. So we brought some ear phone things to go over his ears. He didn't love wearing them and the airplane noises actually didn't scare him, but when the Thunderbirds show came on it got pretty loud so we tried to get him to wear them as much as possible. It was a long day, we left at 12:30pm and Luke usually takes a nap at 1:00pm so I thought he'd fall asleep in the car on the way, but of course he didn't, he was probably too excited with us telling him we were going to see airplanes. We stayed through most of the Thunderbird show but by about 4:30 Luke had about had it with no nap and being out in the warm sun all afternoon, so we took off. But he did great most the time. He was exhausted afterwards and fell asleep in his stroller on the way back to the car, he never does that! It was a fun day.

A day at the park
The other day Cory and I took Luke to the park. He is so active and loves to run and climb and play on all the big kid things! He keeps going and won't stop. Cory took him down a couple of the slides a couple times and he loved that. But he is pretty brave and will ust go right down, we have to be careful to be there to catch him or he will just go, while also being there to launch him off because he might try climbing or jumping off the playset by himself! This is why doing the park with both parents is much easier! He is a very busy guy. He loves parks. He loves to go on slides and has now started trying to climb up them. Here are a few pictures from our day at the park.

Crazy Hair!
The other day after we gave Luke his bath and were getting him ready for bed I heard Cory in there blow drying his hair. I figured he was just doing it so his hair would dry faster - he hair is getting thicker so we're probably going to have to start doing this. Then Luke came out and here is what he looked like! His daddy had fun giving him a stick em up hair do!

Head Stuck!
The other day Luke and I were cuddling and playing on the bed. He got excited and started kind of jumping up and down on the bed and ended up throwing himself back, almost hitting the bed rail at the foot of our bed. I was relived he didn't hit it, but then he scooted himself backwards and lodged his head right inbetween two of the bed frame rods! We have an iron bed frame, the picture below will explain how it looks and how his head was between two of the rail thingys. At first I didn't think anything of it, he seemed fine and wasn't crying, I thought he was just scooted between two of them, so I grabbed his legs to pull him back toward me, but he let out a scream! His head was stuck between the two rails! I tried pulling him out genty a few times but the poor guy wouldn't budge! By this time he was pretty upset. Then, it dawned on me to go around to the other side at the foot of the bed and try pulling him out head first. Sure enough, this did the trick and he came unlogded pretty easily! I was so glad he came out and I didn't have to resort to putting butter on his head to try to slip his head out, or ever worse, calling 911 to come and do it! I had to laugh about our little incident later and decided this was worthy of writting down.

He ended up with a little red mark on his right cheek below his eye, nothing to horrible, but still, poor guy!

He ended up with a little red mark on his right cheek below his eye, nothing to horrible, but still, poor guy!
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