Tonight I had a special moment with Luke, and the first thing that came to my mind was this line from the cute book "Love You Forever"..."I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be." Luke has been sick the last couple days with a fever. He hasn't been too horribly sick, but has been a little more subdued then usual and has not been his normal active self. Tonight he was tired extra early so I sat with him and rocked him in the rocking chair until he feel asleep, which didn't take long. I sat there rocking him and looking at his sweet little face and this overwhelming sense of sadness came over me. I'm sad that he won't be my baby anymore and that things are going to change. I love this little guy so much and it has been so much fun and so rewarding the last year and a half with him. It's not that I'm not excited for this new baby, but it's just weird to think that he won't be my baby anymore. Tears come to my eyes now just thinking about it. But as I sat there I thought of this little book and that line in it and thought how true it is, he will always be my baby... no matter how many babies I have or no matter how old he is. I couldn't help but think that even though I hate for him to be sick and not feel well, maybe this little fever and sickness was a little blessing in disguise for me because the last couple days I've gotten to hold him and snuggle him more than usual since doesn't feel 100% himself, we sit and watch Thomas the Tank Engine videos and he cuddles with me and it has just been nice to have that time with him. And then tonight I had that little moment with him rocking him to sleep and it was so nice to have that. I'm so grateful to have him and to have the blessing of being a mom. I couldn't love anything more or want to be doing anything else. And the amazing thing is I'm sure I'll love this new baby just as much. My sadness has gone away as I think of that line from that book and remember that "as long as I'm living (and forever) my baby you'll be". I took this picture of him tonight after I laid him down.