So I took Luke shopping for snow gear last week. We went to try on boots and the first ones we came across were some Cars (Lightning McQueen) boots. He LOVES cars, so it probably was a mistake for me to have him try those ones on first. He tried them on and was so excited! Now, as you can see they are kind of hideous and I saw some cute brown leather ones with some fluffy sheepskin looking lining for the same price and thought, much better! So I told him it was time to try on the next pair and he yelled "noooooo!" and started running off and crying! Like, seriously crying with real tears and all and the saddest look on his face. He loved those boots! Luckily my sister was with me so I had her chase him down. And you guessed it, I decided to let him get his Lightning McQueen boots. I tried get him to let me take them off to put back in the box so we could buy them but that wasn't going to fly so I had the cashier scan the box and let him wear them out of the store! It beats a temper tantrum in the middle of Kohls. He loves these boots and wears them all the time. Even over pajamas. I can tell he feels very cool wearing them which makes me glad I caved in for the semi-hideous tacky looking boots, the kind I swore I would never buy my child, but he loves them and to see him get so excited like this is really cute, so I guess I'm glad we ended up with the Lightning McQueen boots after all. :)