Sunday, January 31, 2010

Our house

The house is coming along, they will be finished framing it on Friday!

This n thats

Luke LOVES to watch our wedding video! (This time he is enjoying it while sitting in his shopping cart he got for his birthday)

Luke loves to line up his cars like a train. This time the condiments from his shopping cart made it in the line up.

Luke helping feed Halle

One day Luke had an extra mischievous day and while I was on the phone he was in his room quietly playing (or so I thought), then he ran into the kitchen where i was and yelled excitedly "mommy, dust!" (he calls baby powder dust). Then he pointed back to where his room is and ran back. So I followed his back there and saw that he had turned his book basket upside down and used it to climb on top of his changing table to get the baby powder (it was one of those huge bottle ones) and poured all over the room! It was EVERYWHERE, and the whole room was like a cloud of powder! He was so proud! My first reaction... get the camera! Luckily it was baby powder and not some food item.

Another Lukey line up

Luke got some tents from my mom and dad for his birthday and likes to hang out in them. This time Cory put Halle in there with him and he loved it!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Grandma Lori says...

Well Luke got two gold fish last night because he went poo-poo in the toilet. So after the “big event” they all got in the car and went off to Walmart to fulfill their promises of two fish. (And rumor has it the ante had been upped to include 2 suckers). Luke named his fishes Rudolf & Nemo.

Lindsay has some work due the first of the month so Cory tended the kids yesterday. To get them out of the house so Lindsay could concentrate we met him at Costco, which is a madhouse on Saturday, and took our time shopping and sampling. The kids love sampling and it's a great way to pass time. After a Costco trip Luke always gets a "juicety drink" which he shares with Halle. After that they came to our house and both kids, being sick, fell asleep. So it was a pretty easy babysitting duty for Cory.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

He's two!

Luke turned two on January 10th, I really cannot believe our little guy is two years old. Luke was very lucky, he got two birthday parties. One on his birthday with the Bagley side of the family and one a week later when the Fergusons came in town. He really likes this birthday stuff and especially LOVES blowing out candles! At his first birthday party he got a tent set from grandma and grandpa Bagley, two tens with two circle tunnels to crawl through. He really likes these and loves to play in them. Cory and I gave him blocks, a shopping cart, and markers with a coloring book. He likes to play with the blocks and loves the shopping cart, he pushes his cars and trains around in it all day. He also loves to color lately and has lots of fun with his coloring supplies.
At his second birthday party grandma and grandpa Ferguson gave him a "wiggle car". It's this really cool little thing you ride on and when you move the steering wheel it goes without having to do anything. He likes it now but I think he will love it when he can ride it outside and when we move and he can ride it around in the unfinished basement.

Like I said, I can't believe our little boy is two already. How time flies. I can remember holding him in the hospital when he was two minutes old and the overwhelming love I felt for my little boy like it was yesterday. What can I say about our Lukey, or I should say, what can I NOT say about our Lukey. He is the life of the party, the love of our lives, the funnest/funniest/sweetest/silliest/cutest little guy there is! We love him so much and can't imagine our little family without him. He is such a spunky, active little boy but has such a kind, tender heart at the same time. He loves his little sister and has been such a good brother, is surprises me how concerned he gets for her and how much he cares about her. In the morning when I get him out of his crib the first thing he says is "baby, baby!" and runs in to get her. He loves his daddy. He also says "daddy" every morning and I have to remind him that daddy is at work but he will be home later after his nap. Here are a few things Luke loves at age two:

-Cars, trains, anything that goes
-He loves grandma and grandpa's suburban SO much! He says "burban" over and over. When he colors and draws it is always a picture of "burban"!
-He loves dogs
-Likes to give Halle kisses and hugs and help her "sit"
-Love gogurts, fishy crackers, any kind of berry, and juice (when he says it it the "j" is more of a "d" sound so it's "doose".
-Loves Thomas the Tank Engine, Cars, and Bolt (all movies)
-Love his little puzzles and loves to color/draw

He is such a sweet boy and we love him so much. I feel so blessed to have this little guy as my boy and just wish he would freeze in time sometimes and never grow up. We love you Luke.
Eating his favorite dinner - Lasagna - for his birthday dinner
In his "Cars" jacket Tami and Jojo gave him (notice the string of balloons daddy made in the background)

Luke with his second birthday cake at his second party!
"I'm two!"

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Luke goes sledding

We got Luke all bundled up and took him sledding for the first time on Saturday. He had lots of fun! He would get just a little nervous going down the hill (sitting with Cory of course) but once he was at the bottom he would get all excited and put his hands up in the air like "yay look at me!". And he loved being pulled on the sled.
Cory and Luke going down.

I didn't dress for the snow because I thought I'd be sitting in the car with Halle the whole time but it was so nice and sunny I decided to take a ride down the hill with Luke too!

If you are wondering about the sled...yes, it is probably about 40 years old! We didn't have one and we were at Cory's grandparent's house before going and his grandpa let us borrow this one, which was Cory's uncle's back in the day. It actually worked out great, perfect for two people to sit on!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year's Eve dance party

My cousin Mary got married on New Year's Eve and after her wedding dinner she had a dance party. It was a lot of fun and we had a great time dancing!