Tuesday, March 30, 2010
March pictures
Thursday, March 25, 2010
We love sunny days!
We had a really sunny, nice day and enjoyed playing outside. Halle is such a busy girl and has to be playing with something constantly. So I brought out a bunch of her little toys and she had a good time playing on the blanket inspecting her toys. Luke LOVES being outside. Once we are out he never wants to come in!
Spring is just around the corner...I can't wait.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Sister's first Owie
Big boy bed and no more naps
Snorting and bouncing on the big ball
One second please
Dog or Mom?
One day I was doing something with Halle and Luke wanted me to come to where he was and he said "Mommy!" loudly to get my attention, then started smacking his lips and snapping his fingers and hitting his side, like he was calling a dog! It caught me off guard at first but after a second a knew exactly what he was doing and it took everything for me to restrain myself from bursting out in laughter, it was so funny/cute. We put it together that he started doing this because we had tended my aunt and uncles dog for a week and Luke must have seen us doing this to the dog and figured it was a pretty good way to get people (or animals) to come! So he has continued doing this lately, it is seriously hilarious. We haven't wanted to tell him that this is a way to call dogs and not people yet because it is too cute! We probably should do it sooner or later before he starts doing this to kids at nursery or something!
Suburban Obsession
Here are some funny things about Luke that I have been noting to write down lately:
-He is IN LOVE with Suburbans! Cory's parents have one and Luke thinks it is the greatest thing in the world. He loves to ride in it, to play in it, to sit in it, whatever. We're not really sure why...if it's that he's up high and he can see out the windows, if it's that it's big and a lot of people can fit in it, because it's big and cool like a truck, or what, my guess is it's a combination of all of the above. It's not only Cory's parents Suburban, if we see a Suburban while driving he'll yell out "Burban!" (that's how he says it). When he draws pictures, it's always of a "Burban". And when he says his prayers at night...can you guess the first thing that he says he's thankful for? "Burban". One day a couple weeks ago when he was still taking naps when he woke up I asked him what he thinks about when he sleeps (trying to see if he has dreams...I'm always curious about that). His reply without even hesitating was "Toot Toot (Thomas), Burban". I don't know if he knew exactly what I was asking but I do know that the Burban, along with Thomas the Tank Engine, is on his mind a lot! A lot of the times I tell him we are going somewhere he says "Burban?" And I have to say, "No Luke, we don't have a Burban, we have to ride in our car today." Disappointment every time! Maybe someday we will have one and Luke's dream of being a Burban owner will come true!
Dave & Dixie's Suburban...