Luke and Halle are cute as ever. Luke is still intrigued with the “Bobby Boat.” We had Lindsay and the kids meet us up at Deer Creek the other day. Both the kids seem to like to ride in the boat, but Luke just likes to play in the boat at our house which is no fun for me because I have to stand next to the boat to make sure he doesn’t fall out. It’s hot in the garage right now so yesterday when he was here and wanted to do that I wouldn’t let him and he got pretty mad at me. He was tired and had no patience for a grandma who wouldn’t give him what he wanted. Oh well. Being a grandma isn’t a popularity contest. I can only be a nice grandma to a point.
Yesterday I was going to meet Lindsay with the kids at Costco after I tended, but Luke was so tired I was afraid he would fall asleep on the way and I would have to sit in Lindsay’s hot car (her air conditioner hardly works) while Lindsay shopped. I didn’t like that idea one bit so I did everything I could think of to keep Luke awake. I rolled down the windows so he would get air blasted on him, I sang to him and I finally resorted to calling his mom on the phone and having him talk to her. That perked him right up! I was so glad. However, he wasn’t so good in Costco – only because he was tired and awnry. I got some blueberries and he wanted some of those so I have him a couple and he threw them. I tried again and he threw them again. So Costco had blueberries being squished on their floor. Then I gave him a little sandwich they were giving as a sample. He took some bites and then started spitting out the food. Then on the way out he started whining and crying for pizza as we passed the food court. Both Lindsay and I just ignored him and that tantrum fizzled after a few minutes. Poor little boy was just exhausted and was trying to figure out a way to be happy! After I put him in his car seat and the car was running while Lindsay was changing Halle’s very squishy poopy diaper, Luke fell right asleep. Poor little boy.