Halloween has been fun with the kids. Luke absolutely loves his skeleton pajamas (which Grandma Dixie found) and his skeleton costume which I was able to find. Luke wanted to be a skeleton and no one could locate a costume his size. But then on the same day both me and Dixie found something that would work. He likes to wear the pajamas under the costume. Lindsay is going to have to sneak that costume away or he will keep wanting to wear it to the store. The pajamas will have to do now. Thank goodness Dixie bought them.
The first day we tried on Luke’s costume we went on a walk around the neighborhood because he wanted to show off. I took Halle with us and oh dear, it was hard keeping her safe! When we got to Lindsay’s house again Halle and I were a little ways back and Luke turns around and says, “Come on Team!” I bet he got that one from his Dad. Luke has a habit of repeating everything lately. Gotta watch what you say because he will repeat it.