Saturday, October 30, 2010

Grandma Lori says...

Halloween has been fun with the kids. Luke absolutely loves his skeleton pajamas (which Grandma Dixie found) and his skeleton costume which I was able to find. Luke wanted to be a skeleton and no one could locate a costume his size. But then on the same day both me and Dixie found something that would work. He likes to wear the pajamas under the costume. Lindsay is going to have to sneak that costume away or he will keep wanting to wear it to the store. The pajamas will have to do now. Thank goodness Dixie bought them.

The first day we tried on Luke’s costume we went on a walk around the neighborhood because he wanted to show off. I took Halle with us and oh dear, it was hard keeping her safe! When we got to Lindsay’s house again Halle and I were a little ways back and Luke turns around and says, “Come on Team!” I bet he got that one from his Dad. Luke has a habit of repeating everything lately. Gotta watch what you say because he will repeat it.

Halle's broken arm

Last Saturday Halle and Luke were playing on the slide in our basement (it's one of those Little Tykes slides) and she fell and went down hard on her right wrist. She was crying a lot more than usual so I thought something might be really wrong but she got better as the night went on so we thought it was okay. But we noticed she seemed to be using her right arm/hand less and was kind of just letting it hang loose to her side. Then, the next morning she tripped and fell on it and she was hysterical so we took her into the ER and got xrays and were shocked when they said she had broken her arm in two places! Both bones in the arm were fractured above the wrist. We felt so bad.

The cast doesn't slow her down and she still tries to keep up with Luke as much as ever. She has also found some "creative" ways of making use of her cast and I've caught her using it as a weapon against Luke at times!

Luke has been a good boy and we've tried to explain to him that she has a big owie. He tells everyone that Halle has a big owie and broke her arm.

Friday, October 29, 2010

"Alligators scared me out of bed!"

The last time we were at Cory's parent's house to stay, Luke was having a hard time sleeping. One night he came out of the room upset and said to me, "The alligator scared me out of bed!" I had a hard time figuring out what he meant by this, why an alligator? He kept saying this every night were were there so I finally asked him to take me into the room and show me what he was talking about thinking it would be a shadow or something. In the room he pointed to a throw blanket Cory's mom had hanging on a quilt rod in the room - it is a blanket with a knitted picture of Noah's ark and in front of the ark are many animals, including an alligator. I was SO surprised that he would pick up on this. Like I said, it is a knitted blanket so it's not like that animals are very vivid and I was just surprised he would single out the alligator or even notice it. He knows what an alligator is from the picture books we have and must have realized alligators are kind of scary because of the "Monkey's swinging in a tree" song where the alligators "snap that monkey right out of that tree!"

Well, the alligator scare hasn't stopped. Luke will run into our room at night and say, "The alligators scared me out of bed, mommy!" And then he will end up in our bed, and end up horizontal with his head on my stomach and his feet in Cory's face! :) Let's hope we can get these alligators to stop scaring our Lukie guy out of bed!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fall Fun

Yesterday we went to Gardener Village. The kids LOVED all the witches.

We did a fire pit in my parent's back yard a few nights ago and Luke loved it.

Last weekend we went up to Silver Lake at Brighton with the kids and did the walk around the lake. It was sooo pretty with all the fall colors. The kids loved feeding the ducks and Luke loved "skipping" rocks in the lake.

We went to Wheeler Farm last week. The kids of course loved seeing all the animals!

Luke still loves his Piglet. Today he told me, "My baby is Piglet. Mommy has a baby, and Lukie has a baby Piglet"

My parents went to Italy and brought the kids back these shirts. Luke loves his soccer Jersey and Halle's Roma shirt is too cute.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Luke & Halle pictures

When were down in St. George in August one of my best friends took pictures of the kids and they turned out so dang cute. I love how they turned out. I think I'm going to blow up one of each of the kids and one of them together big to put over our staircase. So many turned out so cute it's hard to choose just a few. Here's a some of my favorites.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Grandma Lori says...

Luke loves Jamie’s garden and especially loves to pick the berries and eat them. He also still loves the worms. I tended the kids on Friday and he wanted to go get some worms again so he could play with them. I wonder if after the winter he will remember about the worms. Probably. He is so dang smart. He is talking really well now and says the cutest things like, “Just give me a break on that” or “that’s just great.” He repeats everything he hears and usually uses it in the right context.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Lately, Luke has become very attached to his Piglet stuffed animal. Piglet goes everywhere with us, or with Luke I should say. Piglet is the newest member of our family. He eats dinner with us, has a say in who's going to say the prayer on the food, he gets tucked in with Luke at night, and so on. Truth be told, when Luke decided Piglet was his favorite daddy sort of wished Luke could have chosen a favorite stuff animal that wasn't pink, but he quickly got over that and treats Piglet like he is part of the family too. Luke likes to have Piglet watch while he plays with his trains. This works well until Halle gets a hold of Piglet and takes off with him and all heck breaks loose! This is one toy that Luke does not want to share. It's cute how concerned with Piglet Luke is and how he never forgets about including Piglet in whatever we are doing. He has started putting Piglet in his shirt to carry him around and I think it is very cute. Luke is such a fun boy, he is so active but it is fun to see his sweet sensitive side come up with his love for Piglet.