Monday, November 29, 2010
Helping daddy shovel snow
Being Thankful
Thanksgiving season has been a lot of fun this year with Luke now old enough to really catch onto it. A few weeks ago we started talking to him about what Thanksgiving is and what we are thankful for. Since then, out of the blue (we could be in the middle of a conversation about anything), Luke will ask, "Mommy, what are woo (you) thankful for?" Or "Daddy, what are woo thankful for?" Or even, "Halle, what are woo thankful for?" (He gets a little frustrated when Halle answers with "no" which is her favorite word right now). After answering him we will ask him in return and it's been fun to hear the answers he comes back with. Luke even started saying "awwwww" when Cory or I would give him an answer (he must have learned that is what we tend to do when he tells us what he is thankful for so he returned the gesture :).
Throughout the weeks we've answered back with many different things. At the first it started with the usual top of the list answers like each other, family, our house, food, etc. But I think Cory and I both found we didn't want to always be giving him the same handful of answers so we started thinking outside the box a little. And it was fun to think of and realize all the things we have to be thankful for.
Today in the car Luke again, out of nowhere, asked us each what we are thankful for. Even though Thanksgiving is over I hope he keeps it up.
A little side note: when he asked Halle today she replied with "Costco". Costco was her second word after ball - she loves the place. Luke nodded his head and replied with, "Ohhh, that's a good one."
Another big part of our Thanksgiving season this year has been the kid's Nickelodeon show Blue's Clues, or thanks to Blue's Clues I should say. Luke and Halle love this little show and there was a Thanksgiving episode on our Comcast On Demand that we've watched many times in the last few weeks. In the episode they talk about being thankful and Steve (the main character) made a THANKFUL BOOK. Luke loves projects so I decided it would be fun for him to make his own Thankful Book (with a little help from Mommy of course).
Luke had a lot of fun with it, and to be honest so did I. I asked Luke the things he was thankful for and wrote down exactly what he said. I rummaged up a few pictures of our family and grandmas and grandpas for the first few pages and we cut them out and glued them into his book. Then the last couple pages we did the lists below. I think this is a little tradition we will keep up. I just love Luke's list. I think his book does a pretty good job of summing my list up too :).
Notice the faces he drew in the book. This is the first time I've seen him draw faces. I didn't even tell him to do it, he just started drawing them on the pages with his grandma and grandpa's pictures and would say, "this is grandma, this is grandpa..". I was impressed!
Side note on the list below: Luke was specific that the Juicety Drink he was thankful for is McDonald's Juicety Drink (aka McDonalds Fruit Smoothies). Looks like Costco's fruit smoothie is #2 behind Mickey D's on Luke's list these days. I guess the golden arches rule all over, even with 2 year olds.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Grandma Lori says...
Luke apparently never stops talking to Lindsay. He just jabbers all day long and wants her to listen all day long. I can’t help chuckling at this one because he is exactly how his mama was at this age. I was going to say it’s just a phase, but I think Lindsay kept it up for years.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Grandpa Sheldon says...
It was also nice and warm yesterday. So we worked on getting Jamie’s gardens into good shape for next year. We got a load of mulch in the white truck and I mowed up a combination of leaves and grass clippings. Then we turned it all into the gardens. Luke is so into the Garden and Jamie of course likes it also. So me and mom decided to help out both last week and this week to try to get the soil good for next year. Luke loves the worms also – and the bigger the better. Man he found a huge one yesterday.
Monday, November 15, 2010
One time Luke did this and we were talking about wakeboarding and all the sudden Halle started spinning. It took us a second to realize what she was doing but whenever we said "wakeboarding" she would start spinning again.
Little Indians
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
We had a surprise visit from Cory's family...they came up for the weekend when we didn't know they were coming and it was really fun to have them around for all the fun. Luke had fun trick-or-treating. It was really cold outside so he only made it to probably five or six houses and then he said he was done. But he loved it and he loved answering the door to all the trick-or-treaters. He had an entourage of about 10 people going trick or treating with him - Daddy, Grandma Dixie, Grandpa Dave, Grandma Lori, Grandpa Sheldon, Aunt Jamie, Uncle Kyle, Uncle Jason, Aunt Jamie (Booie), while I stayed home and passed out candy.
The first picture is carving pumpkins the night before Halloween and the others are on Halloween night.