Today when I picked Luke up from preschool he was beaming, so excited to hand me this sunflower seed he had planted me for Mother's Day. He was so excited that it is going to turn into a beautiful flower. When we got home he took it outside to the sun and asked about every half hour if he could water it. I had to remind him that we can't overwater or else it could die, but it was hard for him to understand and he just couldn't contain his excitement! It was very cute.
But then tonight, the cutest thing of all happened. As I was tucking him in bed he said, "Oh mom, I forgot to show you something special I have for you in my backpack. It's a surprise." I guess in all the excitement of the sunflower potted seed we forgot to look inside his backpack when he got home. So I went and got his backpack and have it to him and he pulled out the picture below of the handprint and the poem. Such a sweet poem and I love anything with his handprint on it. But then what he said really topped it all off. "Mom, I made this handprint for you so that when I grow up and get older you can get this picture of my handprint out and I will turn into a little boy again. It's magical." I loved this and oh how I wish that it could be true. I smiled and him and told him how much I loved it and he was very pleased. A few minutes later after I tucked him in and was walking out of the room I said "I love you, Luke."
He responded, "I love you too, mommy. You are the best mommy ever."
And my heart melted a little bit. What a sweet boy I have. I feel so lucky to be his mommy. I love you, Luke.