Friday, October 31, 2014
Milly's birthday
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Yoda and Elsa
Monday, October 20, 2014
Bedrest helper
I found out today I'm going to need to be on bedrest. I'm barely 28 weeks along with the twins and we found out through an ultrasound that my cervix is thinning out more than they want it to at this point. So my Doctor gave me a steroid shot today that is supposed to help the babies lungs develop more quickly and also help stop preterm labor. Luke came with me to the appt because he was home sick today and he was so cute, he was worried about me and worried that they needed to give me a shot. But I assured him I would be fine. Then they told me I need to be on bedrest to take pressure off my cervix. What a bummer. The good news is the babies are looking great. Hopefully I can just keep them in a lot longer! I'd like to at least make it to 34 weeks. I go back in tomorrow for another steroid shot and to talk to the Doctor about it some more.