Friday, November 28, 2014


We had a good Thanksgiving! We ate at Grandma Lori and Grandpa Sheldon's house. It was my first time going somewhere other than a doctor appt in six weeks! We had a nice, small dinner.  The kids had a sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa's house afterward. 

As you can see in the background, the kids did lots of fun Thanksgiving art projects this year. 
Grandpa telling the story if the five kernels of corn. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving projects

Luke did some cute thanksgiving projects at school. These were two of my favorites he brought home. 

Thankful turkey. Each feather says something he is thankful for. He said: Dad, family, Luke, Ms. M (his Chinese teacher), Mom, Mrs. C (his English teacher). 

I thought this menu of what foods he would like on a thanksgiving menu was cute. He loves blueberries and raspberries so I think that's where the cranberries come from. 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Best buds

I've been meaning to post this pic of Luke and Brennan on Halloween. They had fun trick or treating together. 

A couple days later Luke went with the Daws and had his first experience being politically involved! He helped them wave signs for a family member who was running. They had fun!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Learning Chinese

Luke is in a Chinese immersion class in school this year. This means that half of his day he has an English teacher and they speak all English, and the other half of the day they have a Chinese teacher and she only speaks Chinese to them. They are learning so much already and Luke really likes it! He speaks phrases, words and songs all the time at home that he is learning and says that Chinese class is really fun. Both his teachers are really good and he likes his Chinese teacher a lot so I know that's a big part of why he likes it, but I also think he is really smart and he likes learning new things and being challenged. If he decides he wants to continue the Chinese program he can do it all through elementary school, which would be bear, he'd become a really good Chinese speaker! And if Halle does it they say they will have their own secret launguage. 

He brought home this assignment they did in class the other day and I thought it was really good. The symbols he draws look so good and the corresponding pictures he drew inside are cute. Very nice work, Luke! 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

32 weeks!

Today I am 32 weeks along!!! 32 weeks was my doctor's goal for me when I was put on bed rest five weeks ago. Now every day we make it further is a bonus. This has been my view from the couch for the past five weeks, usually being cuddled by one of the kids, Milly, or all 3. So grateful we've made it this far!!! 

Thankful tree

For family night last week we made a thankful tree. It was fun to see the things the kids came up with. Luke's leaves are in the red marker, Halle's are in the blue pen. I'm sure thankful for these sweet kiddos of mine!

Friday, November 7, 2014

What bed rest looks like

I'm almost thru week 3 of bed rest. I'm now about 30.5 weeks along. Every week further we make it the better! At my doctor appt this week it was the first time my cervix hadn't thinned in 3 weeks so we think everything we are doing is working. 

My life is pretty simple..I go from my bed to the couch in the morning and back to my bed at night. The kids spend lots of time cuddling with me on the couch. 

This week grandma Dixie has been up staying with us all week helping out and it's been great to have her here! We are so lucky to have so much help. 

Jazz game boys night

Daddy and Luke had a boys night tonight at the jazz game. Luke has been so excited to use his tickets he got from playing Jr Jazz. They rode the train downtown to the game. Their seats were definitely up high in the nose bleeds but Luke loved it and they had a fun time! 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Pumpkin patch

Cory took the kids to the pumpkin patch tonight (and took lots of fun pictures!) As you can see Halle forgot her shoes. Running shoeless through the pumpkin patch never hurt anyone! Wish I could have been there. Bed rest stinks but is worth it! 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Halloween 2014

Halloween was a lot of fun! Luke and Halle both loved their costumes and fit their characters very well :). As you can see Halle does very princess-like poses when she is all dressed up as Elsa, and Luke turns into a Master Jedi when he's dressed up as Yoda! The kids went trick or treating with their friends next door, Brennan and Elise. Cory took the boys and Elise's mom Brittany took the girls. They both got big loots of candy! Luke loves all kinds of candy, so his bucket had lots of variety. But we had to laugh when we saw Halle's bucket full of Reeses peanut butter cups. Those are her very favorite and lucky for her a lot of people must have been passing them out! She's not much of a candy/sweets girl but she does love her Reeses.