Cory is actually out of town for two weeks on his MBA trip to the Middle East, so I wondered if the kids would remember it was Mother's Day. I was more than pleasantly surprised! Luke surprised me bright and early with this poster he worked so hard on all weekend and a necklace he made me (around his neck). Melt my heart 💗. All weekend be would get Halle and they would go to their rooms to work on something (i figured it might be something to do with Mother's Day but wasn't sure) so they both put a lot of time and effort into their gifts. The middle paper plate is a tracing of his hand he made at school, it's a little container to put things in. Then be made the heart designs, which he said represent the sunrise and sunset. And he made a necklace at the bottom that's hanging on a little pin. It was so sweet.

Here is Luke by the poster and wearing the necklace he made me. The notes on the necklace say "I love you" and "you are the best".

Then Halle gave me these darling pictures and Mother's Day projects she made, including the sheet about me that she filled out and colored so beautifully, the card behind where she filled out a paper and wrote a sweet note, and the little plant with her picture on it. She put so much effort into making all these things special and spent extra time on them over the weekend finishing them. I love how thoughtful she always is and how great of an artist she is.

Here she is after church, she made another card for me at church (pink with rainbow in the background).

Even though Cory was gone he had ordered this ring for me and it was delivered a couple days before Mother's Day, so that was sweet of him and I was able to get a gift from him even though he wasn't home. I saw this ring when we were at California a couple weeks ago and really liked it and he remembered and ordered it for me 😊.

We have 1:00 church so we hung out all morning making cards for grandma Lori, then I was going to attempt taking the twins to church alone and having them miss their nap but Asher woke up with a cold and they were really tired so I laid the twins down for their nap and went to sacrament meeting with the kids late so that I could see them sing their Mother's Day song. Luke was a little nervous and almost didn't go up but I convinced him to face his fears and he went up at the very end. I want proud of him. Halle, on the other hand, was one of the first kids up there and was front and center right in front of the podium, and she sang her little heart out, so cute.
Then after church we went to Grandma Lori and Grandpa Sheldon's house for pizza for dinner and crepes for dessert. We had a fun time hanging out and the kids played and had fun in their backyard with the weather being so nice.
When we got home I was getting the kids ready for bed, which was a little difficult. Asher has a cold and has had a bit of a rough day, and by the time we got home the kids were tired and cranky, the house was a disaster, and I was exhausted! The I got a text from Cory with this picture- he was at the Taj Mahal at that very moment!

I thought it was an awesome photo and also kind of funny he was there at one of the seven wonders of the world on Mothers Day while I was home wrestling kids, alone, to bed. Seeing the humor, I posted the picture to Instagram with this:
So while I was wrestling kids and sick toddler twins to bed (alone) on this lovely Mother's Day evening, my husband was here - The Taj Mahal! 🤣 #theirony But really, I'm glad he's having a great time. Maybe take me next time though, @corydferguson 😉
All joking aside, it was a great day and I'm so grateful for the blessing of being a mother, the greatest blessing of my life! I am the luckiest!