Leaving for the last day of 3rd grade!

Luke's class had a graduation program. They each got an award and there was a end of the year slide show. Luke got the "Go with the Flow" award because his teachers said he's always so laid back and agreeable to go along with whatever is happening in class. I think that's a great award!

Here Luke is with his teachers. His English teacher, Mrs. Hoyt, and his Chinese teacher, Mrs. Kou. Both teachers were great, Mrs. Hoyt is young and spunky and fun, Mrs. Kou is very nice and sweet and cares so much about the students. Luke really loved Mrs. Kou. You can tell she cares so much about the kids and Luke said she never got mad. We are lucky to have such great teachers! Even though you can't tell here, Luke was pretty sad to have to say goodbye to them. But he will make sure to go and say hi lots to them next year. He still goes and says hi to his first and second grade teachers and they love that he does that. He always gets attached to his teachers and likes to keep in touch with them.

His award

From Luke's yearbook

This was a writing assignment he brought home and I thought it was fun to read.

The kids worked so hard this year I wanted to give them a little end of the year gift. So I got them each a book they had been wanting to read to read over the summer, a sticker book to do when they are bored, and one more item i thought they'd like.

Luke with his books and the salt rock night light I got him. He really likes rocks so I thought he would like this.

The note I wrote him.

I'm proud of Luke and excited to have him home all summer! Can't believe my Lukey guy is almost a 4th grader! ðŸ˜