-He holds his head up pretty good when he's on his tummy. He usually isn't the biggest fan of tummy time, but the last couple days he is starting to act like he likes it a little better.
-He loves to stand! It surprises me how strong his little legs are, we'll sit there and hold him up standing and he'll do it for forever!
-He has discovered his lately hands and he loves them. They are constantly clasped out in front of him together with his fingers all intertwined. If they aren't in that position they are in his mouth. He loves sucking on his hands, I think he might be a thumb sucker once he figures out how to just put his thumb in his mouth and not his whole hand!
-He is smiling so much and it’s the cutest thing. I love when I smile at him and he smiles back.
-He is making little noises more than ever and he will kind of carry on a conversation with me with his little noises. He’ll make a noise, and I’ll say something back to him, and we’ll go back and forth like that for awhile. It’s really fun to see him trying to communicate like that.
- He is starting to get more hair in. When he was born he had a good amount of hair, but then he lost it all! But it’s starting to come back, especially on the top, and it sticks straight up and is all fluffy. It’s cute!
-He also has developed his dad’s “Yoda ears” – Cory had these ears when he was a baby too and they stick out a little at the top, it’s really cute! I think Cory’s were a little more “Yoda-ish” then Luke’s are. I guess when Cory had them when he was little they used to call him Yoda so that’s when the name comes from.
Yesterday Luke did the funniest thing. I was at my mom’s and she was holding him and he coughed, and then it was like he realized he made a new noise and remembered how he did it and he fake coughed like 10 times in a row! He was smiling at himself doing it and you could totally tell it was a fake cough. He just did it and thought it would be fun to do it again! It was really cute.
It's so fun to see him learn these new little things and it's amazing to me how much he grows up and learns all the time, and how far he has come in three months! I can’t believe he is already 3 months. It’s so fun to have him grow, but at the same time it’s sad! He will never be that little newborn again! But every stage is so fun and I just have to remember to enjoy it all while I can because he’s growing so fast, soon he’ll be all grown up!

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