-Laughing a lot! And of course smiling, he is such a smiley baby. If he’s not sad he’s usually smiling! He is also squealing when he gets excited, anything he can do to let us know his opinion, especially if he’s happy or excited!
-Starting to be ticklish under his chin and arms - he thinks this is really fun.
-Talking with us a lot…sometimes it really sounds like he’s saying “Hiiii” because he says “Haaaa”. I know it just sounds that way, but it’s really fun to hear! He will have little babbling “conversations” back and forth with us and it’s so cute.
-Taking steps when we hold him up on the ground – this is really funny when he does this. He’s so little, but he already knows those legs are supposed to move!
-Grabbing at everything! I have to be careful what he is in reach of now and watch my food plate if we are eating and I’m holding him. He’ll grab for anything and put it in his mouth!
-Sucking on everything
-Rolling over the second we put him down on the floor. He does great from back to tummy but doesn’t roll from tummy to back as much yet.
-He loves little games or songs where we play with his arms and sing to him like “Patty Cakes”, “Do as I’m Doing”, “The Wheels on the Bus”, anything like that.
-He loves being outside. If he’s upset I take him outside and it usually settles him right down! He is so interested in everything and outside is a whole new world of things to look at.
-Eating rice cereal, oatmeal cereal…and the latest, carrots! Which brings me to my next subject…
The other night we gave him something other than baby cereal for the first time. We decided to go with carrots, the pediatrician gave me a list of fruits and veggies to start him on and carrots was in the first group. He loves them! He ate them right up and has been all week. It’s funny how much he loves something with a little flavor! I’ve even started mixing the carrots with his rice/oatmeal cereal and he eats it a lot better. I think he just needed some taste to that stuff! I am going to start him on another new veggie tonight I think.

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