Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th of July weekend & Great-grandpa's b-day

It's become a tradition for Cory's family to stay up in Park City for a few days over the 4th of July. We stayed at the Canyons. We hung out at the pool, went shopping at the outlets, and ate at some yummy restaurants. The Canyons puts on a really good firework show for the 4th. This year it was perfect because our room had a balcony that looked out to where to fireworks went off so we were able to stay in the room with Luke and still watch the fireworks. He got a little scared of the loud noises but didn't cry, and I think he kind of liked watching them with all the bright colors.

This is the only picture I got, I took it on our last day there in the morning when Cory and Luke were cuddling in the bed, Cory sleeping. 

Luke had fun up there with everyone and slept pretty good the first couple nights, but then the last day or so he seemed more fussy than normal and the last night was tough.

On a better note, while we were up there Luke started saying "Mama"! It's the first thing he's said that sounds like a real word when he says it. I love to hear it, even though I know he doesn't really know what he's saying. He says it over and over. "Mamamamama". He was making lots of cooing sounds and squealing and everything before, and had even sort of said Mama but not as distinct as it is now. Now he says it over and over and it really sounds like the word! It's fun. We're working on "Dada" with him now. :)

A couple weekends ago we went to a b-day party for Cory's grandpa. 

Luke was having fun playing with the doggie's ear....poor thing!
Luke and his second cousin Myah...they are buddies! She LOVES to hold "baby Luke" :) .

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