I was pretty worried about camping for a week with a 7 month old! And I was worried about the 7 hour drive! But it actually worked out as good as it could have. On the way up Luke did great and slept most of the time. Once we got there he loved it. He LOVES being outside so I figured he would like it. He loved constantly being outside and he liked being on the boat, too. I told Cory I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up being an outdoorsy tree hugger! Do all babies like to be outside this much?
I kept him on a good nap schedule and it worked out great. My parents and bros and sister are awesome so I had a lot of help, and my parents bought a portable electric air conditioner! So for Luke's naps during the day we would put him in his pack n play inside one of the teepee's and plug the AC in and crank it up, and it would cool the teepee down and he would sleep great! The nights were a little harder, I'm not sure why Luke didn't sleep so good but it was probably because he just was in a unfamiliar place, and it probably didn't help that he hasn't been sleeping very good through the nights lately anyway because of his teeth cutting and getting sick. So the first couple nights he woke up a lot, and we would end up having him down sleeping with us on our pads/sleeping bags by the end of the night. He seemed to like that. I think towards the end of the trip he knew exactly what he was doing. The last night he was throwing a fit, nothing would sooth him. Finally we pulled him down on the ground in between us on our makeshift bed and he closed his eyes and a little smile went across his face!
Here are some pictures from the trip...
Our camp site

Luke and me riding on the boat - I had him wear this little hat as often as he would let me to keep the sun off him! He was a little fisherman! Notice his hand on the bar, he would hold onto this bar constantly when the boat was running. It was like he just knew he should be holding on when the boat started going!

Luke would start getting tired on the boat after awhile and would usually end up asleep on Cory .

Chillin at the camp site...

Luke loved taking his baths there, he would splash to his heart's delight!

Lukie and me...notice his cool mohawk we made after putting sunscreen on his head :). Cory thinks I should do this to his hair everyday!

I put this picture because you can really see his new little two front teeth in it! And look at that cute face :)

Cute guy riding on the boat!

Chillin at the camp site...

Lukie and me...notice his cool mohawk we made after putting sunscreen on his head :). Cory thinks I should do this to his hair everyday!

I put this picture because you can really see his new little two front teeth in it! And look at that cute face :)

Cute guy riding on the boat!

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