Last night we carved a pumpkin. We were excited to have Luke participate in his first pumpkin carving! However, most of the time he was more interested in eating the pumpkin goo, seeds, and the newspaper the pumpkin was sitting on then anything else. But still, it was fun. I have to say Cory is a master pumpkin carver, he did all the carving while I sat back and watched, or kept Luke out of trouble I should say. :) He is all over the place lately...crawling, standing up to everything, finding and eating any little peice of anything on the floor, and he gravitates to staircases, he loves to climb them. I'll have to get a video of him doing it. Anyway, here are our pictures from the pumpkin carving...
The before picture

Working hard...

"Dada can I help?"

Dad carving while mom tries to stop Luke from eating the pumpkin insides

The finished product...this is Luke's half smile half deer-in-the-headlights scared smile he has been doing lately

Good job Cor, Luke's first Halloween can now be complete with his first pumpkin carving experience!

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