Luke LOVES looking at the Christmas tree...he loves looking at the lights. If the lights aren't on he'll look at us like, what is wrong with this thing? Then we plug them in and he gets this huge smile on his face and just looks up at it all happy. It's really cute.

At the Ferguson family Christmas party....

Luke opening his first Christmas present at the party

Luke and two of the great grand babies...all boys!... born this year on the Ferguson side - grandma gives them all matching p.j.'s

One of Luke's favorite things now in the world is dogs. He loves them. Cory's family still has their dog Sophie so both times we've been down to St. George lately Luke loves to play with her. He gets so excited when he sees dogs - in person, pictures in books, anything. I think we'll be needing to get a dog for him someday! Here he is with Sophie...

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