Monday, February 9, 2009

The Luker Couper

Cory's family came in town over the weekend and brought with them a birthday present for Luke. Luke is now driving, at one year old! They gave him his first car! 

We call it the Luker Couper. At first he was entertained enough just to climb in and out of it, honk the horn, steer the wheel, and open and close the door while sitting in it. But after being pushed around in it a few times he discovered it is much more fun to be moving in it, so now our day consists of Cory and I taking turns pushing Luke around in his car throughout the house. Very exciting. We tried the car without the floorboard the first night to see if he could learn to use his legs Flinstone style to walk himself around in it all on his own, but he ended up falling through the hole and getting all upset so we decided to put the floorboard in. He doesn't quite get the concept that if he walks while in it he will move the car, but hopefully he will soon! So for now, we will continue taking turns pushing him around. He has so much fun with it! 

The last couple days, pretty much just since he got the car, Luke has been saying... "duba duba daba daba due" - seriously! And he came up with it all on his own! Sometimes it's just duba duba daba daba. But sometimes he'll get the "due" on the end and we just crack up, he even talks like a little Flinstone guy with this car!

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