It's a...
Today we had our ultrasound and we found out what we are's a....GIRL! We are so excited! I think it will be so great to have one of each and I know Luke will be such a great big brother to his little sister. I have to say I had a feeling it was a girl but I didn't want to say for sure because you never know, I mean I had a 50/50 chance, but this pregnancy has been different in a lot of ways so I thought we might just have a little girl on the way.
Here are some pictures from the ultrasound. We were on a cool 3D machine but our little chicita wouldn't cooperate and hold still in a pose so the 3D didn't really work out this time around. But we got some good profile pics. We pulled out our pictures from Luke's ultrasound and we swear their little profiles look so much alike!
Cute little girl

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