This is our third year going to Lake Owyhee. It is a hidden treasure, not a lot of people know about it so there aren't a lot of boats out on the lake and it is smooth water most of the time. I was a little nervous taking a one and a half year old and also being pregnant. But Luke actually did really well and got into a lot less trouble than I thought he would! I was worried he'd constantly be wandering off from the camp site and tripping in the dirt hurting himself, but he actually stuck around our site really well and only had one fall towards the end where he scraped his knee, but it wasn't too bad.
He loves it outside so I knew he would have fun. I think he would be content living in a TeePee full time. His favorite blanky and stuffed animal doggie Sophie were both black by the end of the trip from him dragging them around in the dirt, but a little dirt never hurt anyone! Luke had a lot of fun and just LOVES the boat. Every morning when we'd wake up and get out of our TeePee he would point to the boat and say "bo bo, bo bo!" (that's his version of "boat"). It was really cute. He has a little toy boat that we took and he loved to play with it there and still does and he makes the boat noise with his lips and makes it move through the air. He just loves the outdoors and had lots of fun all around.

The group

Luke and mommy


Luke sleeping on the boat in his stink bug position...he sleeps like this all the time at home and even had to on the boat! He loves it.

Jamie and Luke playing with the remote control car - Luke loved this thing.

Luke plopped himself on a grassy area across from our camp site one afternoon.

We brought some toys to entertain Luke and my mom has this great road set he LOVES. He loved just sitting on this rug on the concrete and playing with the cars and trains.

I'm glad I thought to bring this little wagon Luke loves. He had fun pulling it around the camp site and pulling around his little treasures.

Luke loved to go in and out and in and out of our TeePee, sometimes towing the wagon with him.

Cute guy.

Lake Owyhee sunset.

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