Helping give sister her first bath.

Luke loves going on stroller rides!

Lukie is at the cutest stage right now and it makes me so sad to think of him growing out of it. He is a bundle of energy and has such a spunky little personality but also has a very sweet, sensitive side. He is very good with his little sister and loves her a lot. When she cries more than just a little fussiness he gets concerned for her and points and gets a little upset himself. This can make for some caotic moments when they are both crying and upset, especially when we are in the car and there is nothing much I can do to settle them down, but luckily those moments don't happen too often. Luke loves "Thomas the Tank Engine" shows and toy trains and also loves the Disney/Pixar movie "Cars". He loves to play with the trains and cars and make the "brrmmm" sounds with his lips. He also loves airplanes, motorcycles, boats - pretty much anything that goes. Everytime we are at my parents house he goes in the mud room and opens the door to the garage and points at there boat and gets super excited and yells "bo bo! bo bo!" He loves that boat. He loves playing with his little baseball tee-ball toy with his daddy and can hit the ball really far! He says "Uh-oh" a lot and says a handful of other words including mommy, dadddy, and baby, but so far doesn't talk too much. There are some times when I wish so bad he could just tell me when he needs! It would be nice to at least have one of my children who could tell me what they need or want instead of needing to cry. I'm hoping he'll turn this corner and start to at least say more little words to tell me what he needs soon. Luke is very into making sound effects to get his point across. If he falls he will re-inact it over and over by motioning his hand toward the ground and making the "du-uhhhh" sound effect. When he wants to watch Thomas he says "toot toot" and tugs and the air like a conductor. There are a lot more sound effects he does that I know I am just not thinking of right now. Luke loves to read books. He would probably read 10 books or more every night before bed if we had time to. He is such a good little boy and is at such a sweet age, I just love it. Sometimes it's fun to think of him gettting older and the fun stages that are coming up, but then sometimes I get really sad to think of him growing up and that I will never get him as this fun, silly, sweet little toddler that he is right now. I hope I can always remember his cute little expressions, his excited little blue eyes, and the sound of his little feet running through the basement (he hardly ever walks anywhere, he runs!) He is so excited and full of life and is such a good boy and we love him so much.
Watching "Thomas"...
Luke, Halle and Grandma Ferguson
Luke loves corn on the cob!

He loves playing with phones.
Luke found a new favorite...olives. And of course he has to eat them off the fingers!

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