Luke loves worms lately. Grandma Lori and Grandpa Sheldon have a garden in their backyard that Aunt Jamie has been growing all summer and Luke loves for her to take him out to the garden to pick "carn" (corn), "onins" (onions) "blackberwees" (he calls them blackberries but they are actually strawberries), and all the other fun things. A couple weeks ago Jamie pointed out the worms to Luke and let him put some in a cup to carry around. He LOVED it! He isn't a bit shy about holding them and played with them non-stop, in and out of the cup, and by the end of the night when we "put them to sleep" in the garden they were really asleep... for good (i.e. limp, dead as a doornail...a little too much handling by a two year old!)
Since that day each time we've been to my parent's he has to go to the garden to get his worms. His worm-keeping abilities have gotten better. This last Sunday we were there (the day I took these pictures) the worms survived and made their way back into the ground when I helped him put them to sleep in the garden before we left to come home (Luke: "Bye worms, ni-night, see you later worms, next time!") He talks to them, gives them drinks of water/baths by pouring a little water from another cup into their cup, he just loves them. This boy is a true boy!

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