Our first pets. Luke is very excited about them. He earned them for doing something that's a very big deal. To do with the toilet. It starts with a P and ends in a OOP.
The reward for conquering this fear first started out as a sucker. It kept escalating until somehow it turned into a fish (my sister has fish and he loovveesss them). This tank was hand me down from her so we really weren't into it that much.
We were going to only get one fish. Luke had been talking about how he was going to name his fish Rudolph for days after Rudolph the reindeer. But when we went to buy Rudolph I felt bad for him to be all alone in the world so we ended up getting two. Fish #2 is orange and Luke, of course, decided his name needed to be Nemo.
So now we have two fish. The kids love to watch them and feed them. We officially have our first pets!
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