We figured out he had tripped on one of his toys and fell onto the corner of an open drawer. Luckily we live close to a hospital, so we got in the car and rushed him there.
Poor guy was being as brave as he could be. He was a really good boy. The doctor decided he needed a few stitches, but Luke was doing fine until the doctor started touching his face and then he got really hysterical and upset all over. So they decided we needed to sedate him to do the stitches, which they said is really common when doing stitches at this age. So they did the sedation and did the stitches. By the time it was all over it was about 10pm at night.
By the next day Luke was doing a ton better and already back ready to play again. It was really hard seeing him so sad and upset, and really hard to have to put him under and watch him just lying there on the bed. But we are just so happy he is okay, it could have been much worse. It was a really clean cut so it was easy to stitch up. And we're very lucky it didn't hit one of his eyes, it could have happened really easily.
He had to get the stitches out five days later, which was the day after the new Cars movie came out. So we took him to the new Cars movie straight from the hospital after getting them taken out.
We love our guy so much and are so happy everything is alright.

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