T-ball with Luke being just three years old has been fun...and entertaining this fall. We got a lot of cute pictures of him hitting the ball, running the bases and playing the outfield, but as I was downloading my pictures tonight I realized the one picture we didn't get that we really should have is a picture of Luke lying on the side of the field, twirling a blade of grass and looking up at the sky. It was a little hard for him to comprehend the point of staying in the outfield with the rest of the team once he had caught the ball and thrown it to 1st base. After that, most of the time he would lose interest until the next inning. Most the kids were like this, the only ones that probably paid attention for the whole games are the four year olds. Once he had his turn hitting and running the bases, he's usually want to come sit with Mommy, Daddy, Halle, and whoever else until it was time for him to catch his one ball in the outfield. I thought it was cute. But he did get a lot better as the season went on, and a lot braver to go out there and stand without Daddy at his side.
Grandma Lori and Grandpa Sheldon came to quite a few of his games. Tonight they came along with Aunt Jamie, Great Grandma Jo Jo (Bagley), and Uncle Jason, And of course Daddy, Halle and I were there too. So Luke pretty much had his own little fan section, but he was more interested in opening and shutting the large sun umbrella Grandma and Grandpa brought then showing off his baseball skills! Haha.
He is a good little player and it was a lot of fun to see him play. He can wack the ball and he's a good runner both around the bases and to chase the ball down.
It was hilarious to sit back and watch Luke and the other kids play. Great entertainment watching those cute little people out there holding the bats backwards and running bases in the wrong direction.
But the best part... watching Luke's smile after he would get his hit and run the bases. Darling, ear-to-ear grin the entire time. And it was so adorable how proud he would get after jumping onto the home plate.
Halle was a good little cheerer for Luke and always loved clapping and yelling, "Yay, Lukey!" from the sidelines. When we first signed Luke up and would talk to him about how he was going to play t-ball Halle would jump into the conversation and say, "I play t-ball, me play too!" Poor thing, we had to gently explain that only three year olds can play and next year when she is three she can play too. She couldn't quite understand that and everytime it would come up she was back into the conversation with, "I play t-ball!" She was good to not throw a big fit though, at the games, and a few times tried to make a run for the field to play, but most of the time was a good sport and sat back and cheered for her big brother. Next year having these two play together should be fun.