He was pretty scared to go when we first started talking about going to preschool a few weeks back. He didn't even want to talk about it. But over the past couple weeks he's gotten a couple surprise deliveries of books about going to preschool from Buddy the Elf from the North Pole and that helped him get more excited about going.
When this morning rolled around, he actually asked when he was going to get to go to preschool, I was very suprised and happy! When we got there he was a little shy but was doing fine, until I had to leave. Then he started crying. But I left with the other moms and felt bad I had to leave, but the teacher told me it would be best if I just went and she would handle it. Then, right as I walked in our house after dropping him off, the phone was ringing and the caller ID said the teacher's name - I was so nervous! But right when I answered she said that Luke was fine and had stopped crying after a minute and she just wanted to let me know so I wouldn't worry. Phew that was a relief!
When I went to pick him up he said, "Mommy, I cried for like two minutes but then I was fine." then he told me all about the fun things they did at school. If we can get past this fear of me leaving I think he will love preschool. He did really good to only cry for a couple minutes!
I can't believe he is old enough to go to preschool. He is just growing up so fast. Too fast! Tonight when I was putting him down to bed I told him to pick a book out to read and he picked the book "Love You Forever". I couldn't believe that of all the nights to pick that book he picked tonight. I cried through reading most of the book. It really made me think about how fast he is growing up and how he isn't so little anymore and how fast he will grow from being this age to being a bigger boy. It goes so fast. But, just like it says, "as long as I'm living my baby you'll be." Even when he's a teenager or all grown up he'll still be my baby.
He's in such a cute stage right now. He's old enough to know a lot of things but he's still got a sweet innocence about him. He's very smart. He loves numbers, letters, colors, sorting and organizing things by colors. He loves to color, draw, and paint and loves music. He loves to play outside and has fun playing soccer and t-ball.
He's such a good, sweet boy and we love him soooo much. I tell him this all the time what a special boy he is too me.
Today for preschool they were all suppose to wear red shirts. So he wore red and also wore his new "Cars" backpack. So cute!
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