Yesterday was Luke's 2 month pediatritian appointment, and he had to get shots! No fun at all for him or me! The first thing the nurse gave him was actually mouth drops and he's so funny about having anything in his mouth other than when he is nursing. He gags and trys coughing stuff up. So when the nurse gave him the drops he got all mad and starting trying to spit it up and gagging and holding his breath, coughing, the whole bit. She was laughing so hard and said she has never seen a baby that little make such a big deal out of drops! She called him a dramatic little thing! It's funny because he's usually pretty even tempered, but not when it comes to things in his mouth, he won't even take a binki (I'm working on that one). So after the drops came the shots...like I said, not fun. Luke was so sad and it made me so sad! At least we have that over with for a little while.Here's a picture I took of Luke right before going to the doctor's. It looks like he knows what's coming!
Luke and his Grandma Bagley...

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