Here is Luke last night...this is his favorite thing right now, to be held up high in the air. We joke around that he likes to be tallest man in the room! He loves it! I guess this one isn't afraid of heights. :) He is smiling more and more and it's the cutest thing.

Kisses for our boy!

You can kind of see it in this picture, but he raises one eyebrow and kind of gets this serious thoughtful look. It's pretty funny.
Luke is smiling and starting to make little oooo and ahhh sounds. It’s so cute. We get so excited with every little move and new thing he does. I really can’t get enough of his cute little smile. He opens his mouth wide when he’s starting to smile and then it turns into a big smile. When he was first learning to smile he would be trying to smile but sometimes he would just open his mouth really wide and it would slowly turn into a smile. But now he smiles normal and also still does that big wide open smile, it’s so cute. Right now he is really enjoying his mobile. He will sit in his crib and watch it go around and around, if he’s in a good mood it can buy me 10 or 15 minutes of cleaning up around the house or something!
Luke loves to be held. I can’t put him down very often, he doesn’t like it! It’s really nice that he is older now and a little sturdier because lately I’ve just been carrying him on my hip around the house and he loves it. He loves to be looking out so he can see what is going on and look at the things around him. He is not a happy camper if I put him down on the floor on a blanket. Once in awhile he will be okay for a couple minutes doing that but usually he just gets mad and starts crying! I’m not sure if it’s because he’s a little spoiled because he’s the first kid and also the first grandchild on both sides so he gets held a lot, or if he is just a baby that likes to be held! Either way I am okay with it. I’m starting to get pretty good at doing things one handed. I’m sure as he gets a little older and can start playing with toys he’ll be able to entertain himself more too. He also loves being held up high in the air, the higher the better.
We are constantly amazed by how much he is growing and learning, and really just how dang cute he is! He is so much fun and we feel so blessed to have him.
Luke is smiling and starting to make little oooo and ahhh sounds. It’s so cute. We get so excited with every little move and new thing he does. I really can’t get enough of his cute little smile. He opens his mouth wide when he’s starting to smile and then it turns into a big smile. When he was first learning to smile he would be trying to smile but sometimes he would just open his mouth really wide and it would slowly turn into a smile. But now he smiles normal and also still does that big wide open smile, it’s so cute. Right now he is really enjoying his mobile. He will sit in his crib and watch it go around and around, if he’s in a good mood it can buy me 10 or 15 minutes of cleaning up around the house or something!
Luke loves to be held. I can’t put him down very often, he doesn’t like it! It’s really nice that he is older now and a little sturdier because lately I’ve just been carrying him on my hip around the house and he loves it. He loves to be looking out so he can see what is going on and look at the things around him. He is not a happy camper if I put him down on the floor on a blanket. Once in awhile he will be okay for a couple minutes doing that but usually he just gets mad and starts crying! I’m not sure if it’s because he’s a little spoiled because he’s the first kid and also the first grandchild on both sides so he gets held a lot, or if he is just a baby that likes to be held! Either way I am okay with it. I’m starting to get pretty good at doing things one handed. I’m sure as he gets a little older and can start playing with toys he’ll be able to entertain himself more too. He also loves being held up high in the air, the higher the better.
We are constantly amazed by how much he is growing and learning, and really just how dang cute he is! He is so much fun and we feel so blessed to have him.
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