Lately Luke loves going to the grocery store because now he can sit up like a big boy in the cart! He loves looking around at all the things and people in the store, and especially loves watching other kids being pushed past us. Right as I put him in the cart and strap him in he starts doing his little happy squeal which means he is getting excited.
So today at Costco I pulled out my camera when we were in the parking lot getting ready to load up, I thought I might as well document him in the cart and how much he likes it. I sat there taking picture after picture trying to get a good shot of him looking at me and not getting distracted by cars passing by, AND smiling, and then I realized what a dork I must look like to all the people walking by me. Here I am trying to get my kid to pose in the Costco parking lot like it was some big outing! I'm sure people thought, that poor mom, she really must not get out much!
Here he is looking every which way but at me as I snapped off a million pictures

Finally I got the smile I was looking for!

Just hanging out on the couch later in the day

The last couple days Luke has been standing himself up! I am constantly worried he'll fall, but he usually surprises me and does pretty good lowering himself back down. He's been standing up to all sorts of things around the house. Here he is standing in his crib, and bitting the crib rail, his latest trick :)

And this is just a cute picture I couldn't resist posting!

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