We went to St. George over the weekend. It was fun for us to spend time with Cory's family and it was fun for them to see Luke, he's grown a lot lately. They hadn't seen him since before he started crawling and now he is cruising and climbing all over the place. My family was also down there because my sister did a Triathalon there on Saturday. Cory and I went to cheer her in. It was her first Triathalon and she did awesome, in the swimming part of it she came in 12th for women 40 and under! We also went to Les Miserables at the Tuachan theater with Cory's family Saturday night. It was way good! Luke had fun swimming in the pool at Grandma and Grandpa Ferguson's house as usual and playing with them. Cory's mom bought Luke a fun baby einstein bouncer toy that he sits in and can bounce and turn it has all sorts of toys on it, kind of like his exersaucer but more high tech :). It was a good weekend!

Luke loves splashing, he splashes in the pool like crazy. It's cute how much he likes it and it's kind of nice for us because he wears himself out so much doing it he always sleeps really good after! :)
At the triathalon after Jamie came in - good job Jam!

This picture is actually last week before we went to St. George, but I thought I'd include it because Luke has been doing this tricky little crawl lately - he doesn't want to drag his knees on the hard ground like the wood floor or tile (or here the cement!) so he crawls on his hands and feet with his knees off the ground like a little monkey and he's gotten really good at it! It's pretty funny.

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