Last week Luke said his offical first word! He's been saying mama and dada for a long time and now he also says "dad" really pronounced when he's looking for Cory. But other then those words he babbles and sounds like he's talking in his own little language. But last week we were at my parent's house and my mom had a banana she was going to feed him and he said it... he said "Banana"! Well, it was more "nana" then anything. But i'm sure he knew what he was saying because he said it that first time and then said it probably about 10 more times. At first it was "nana" and then we would tell him to say banana again and he would get the "bah" part out and the rest of the syllables but they wouldn't quite sound like "nana". Then he got to saying "A-nana". Since then anytime he sees a banana he will say it...usually "nana" sometimes "A-nana", sometimes "Ba...mamam".... it varies, but he says it again and again!
Then, the next day Cory and I went out to eat and left Luke with my parents. When we came in the house after eating I went and sat down by Luke and he said really loud and clear "HI!" It came out with the "H" sound kind of soft so it was more like...."hIIII"! It was funny because neither of us said it to him before he said it, he just came up with it on his own so we're pretty sure he knew what he was saying. He doesn't say this one as much but once and awhile it will just come out. It won't always be as distinct as it sounded then, but we can tell what he's trying to say. It's so fun to see him learning to talk and trying to communicate with us. He is jabbering away and talking in his own little language, but then all the sudden little words like this will come through and it's fun to think how much he must be learning and that he is trying to so hard to talk with us.
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