I can't believe our boy is one years old. It seems like just yesterday he was a tiny newborn. He has learned so much and grown so much in the year we have had him. He is so much fun, he has brought so much joy into our lives and we really couldn't love him more! It makes me sad to think he is growing up so fast and that he will never be the little baby again that he once was, but then I remember how much fun he is right now and how much we love watching him grow and learn new things. It's a weird feeling to know he will never be a baby again. But then we have so much to look forward to with him. I can't wait to see the little guy he will turn out to be. He has changed my life for forever, I never knew I could love so much! He will always be my baby.
Now, to get back to his birthday! It was a fun day. We had a small little party for him. My parents came, my sister Jamie, and my grandma and aunt Tami were here. I made him a cake and spent way more time on it then anticipated! I bought a banana cake mix (he LOVES bananas) and at first I planned to only use low sugar Cool Whip for frosting so he wouldn't have too much sugar. But then I realized that would melt and I couldn't decorate much with Cool Whip, and I wanted to make the cake fun. So I ended up making fully loaded frosting and used a whole lot of it! The cake didn't turn out exactly how I had pictured but it was my first attempt at cake decorating so I guess that's okay. First we ate dinner, which my mom and dad were way nice to bring. Then Luke opened his presents. We gave him a toy baby laptop that makes songs and noises (he is always trying to play with our computers and gets so mad when we are on the computer and not paying attention to him!), a toy piggy bank that makes noises when you put the pretend coins in, and the biggest gift of all, chosen especially by Cory...baby Air Jordan shoes! Cory has been wanting to get these for Luke since he was tiny, so we had to special order them in and they came. Too bad Luke doesn't seem very excited about them! That's a story for later.
Next came the birthday cake. We decided to let him attack it. At first he just played around in it. I don't think he realized that he could eat it. Then he tasted it and it was over from there. He started digging in. Some would make it in his mouth, some in his hair and all over his body or on the floor or in his high chair. It was pretty funny. When he was done we had to hose him down in the sink.
It was a fun night. Cory's family wasn't up in Salt Lake on Luke's birthday but we are thinking about doing another birthday party for Luke when they are here next.
Luke holding up his finger saying he is one!
We taught him that when we say "How old is Luke?" He holds up his finger to say one!
Birthday cake
Opening presents
The first taste...
Diggin and and having a great time!
Getting hosed off afterwards

Diggin and and having a great time!
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