Our poor Lukey has had a very rough last couple of days, especially yesterday. First off, he woke up Saturday morning with a fever of 102 and was sick all day. We took him into InstaCare Saturday evening and luckily there was no infection, just a bad cold virus. So we took him home for a rough sleepless night of a high fever and not feeling good at all. Poor guy, I feel so bad for him when he is sick and so helpless since there really isn't much I can do but comfort him. Sunday was a little better, his fever wasn't as high. Since then it has turned into a horrible cold and yesterday turned into a really bad cough on top of that, getting probably even worse today.
So yesterday was a tough day with him not feeling well. I woke up achy and with a sore throat and started feeling really bad for our guy realizing that he must have been feeling like this all along, on top of his visible symptoms. He was really out of sorts yesterday...fussy, clumsy, just not doing well. So yesterday evening we we outside in the back yard playing, outside he is a happier guy. Living here in my grandma's basement it is a walk out basement and when you go out the back door there is a cement patio with three steps going up to ground level. Luke crawls up and down these steps all the time. Cory and I were sitting on some lawn chairs and Cory was on the phone while I relaxed not feeling well. Luke walked over to the stairs and threw a tennis ball down and then started whinning and pointing for it like he wanted it. He does this a lot, usually meaning he wants us to go get the ball for him. I looked over at him doing this and before I knew it he had fallen face first down the concrete stairs! He must have gotten too close to the edge and leaned forward pointing and lost balance! I was freaking out and jumped up but of course it was too late and all I could do was go and get the poor kid who was screaming and crying and laying head down with his body still up the stairs. At least he was concious! I lifted him up to find that he had a huge scrape from the top of his scalp down the side of his face, a scrap in between his eyes, and a big bruise forming in the middle of his forehead. I'm not sure how he hit but he must have hit a couple of the stairs at different times to get all these wounds in different places.
Poor poor Lukey was a mess. He was so upset! I was scared, but luckily we got him to calm down enough and he looked like he was okay, so we didn't feel we needed to take him to the emergency room or anything. Then, to top it all off, about an hour later when we finally got him settled down he was walking over to sit by me on the couch and tripped on Cory's foot (Cory was also sitting on the couch and had dosed with his legs stretched out). Luke stood up from his fall and I could see blood coming from his lip! Not another wound! When he had fallen his tooth had cut the inside of his lip. This topped it all off, and the rest of the night was chaos, non-stop crying. We finally had to take him on a car ride, which finally settled him down and he was so exhausted he fell asleep in the car and it was only barely 7:00pm. So we got him home and put to bed early. Poor little guy. It was a very tough day. Today has been hard too, at least he has forgotten about his battle wounds but it seems like he just keeps getting sicker...the nose was runnier and the cough was even worse and more deep into his chest. Hopefully he gets over this sooner than later so he can get back to his normal happy self.
His face looks so bad, I am seriously hesitant to take him out in public! I can only imagine what people will think of what a horrible mother I am! These pictures don't even do it justice, he looks pretty bad!
I took these two last night

Today we broke up the day by going outside and helping daddy with some yard work and having a picnic on a blanket on the lawn. He always loves to help his daddy.

And loves to eat dirt! I try to get him to stop, but there's not use!

I was trying to get some pictures of the wounds all day today but could never quite get some with him holding still and that show how bad they really look. These are probably my best ones, when I had him confined in the bath! He loves bathtime so at least he is smiling and happy here.