Saturday, April 4, 2009

First real tantrum

The other day Luke had his first real tantrum. He has had times where he gets frustrated or mad and throws a little fit for maybe 30 seconds or so, but never has it turned into a full fledged tantrum. But the other day we hit this milestone! He was having a tough day to begin with, he had bumped his head a couple times and it was late afternoon so he was getting worn out. Then he needed a diaper change and this poses a problem in and of itself! He has been putting up a big fight about diapers and diaper changes lately! He hates having to sit still for the diaper changing process and he hates wearing diapers so the second I get one on him he tries ripping it off (he has figured out how to undo the velcro!) So we can't just let him run around in his diaper anymore, which he loves to do, because if we let him he will be running around diaperless in no time. We have to make sure his pants are back on, or if he has a onsie on, make sure it's buttoned up.

Anyway, back to the story...I had just struggled with him through a diaper change and gotten the new diaper on and his onsie buttoned. He was furious! He wanted that diaper off but he couldn't get to it because of that onsie! So he flung himself on the ground, started screaming and crying...just hysterical. I couldn't even get him to stop and look at me. He was kicking and rolling around on the ground, face bright red, I wasn't even going to try to put his pants back on. I tried to settle him down but he wanted nothing to do with it. After a minute I decided it was no use, so I left him in his room to get it out of his system. After a few minutes I thought, I might as well document his first tantrum, so I went and got my camera. After about 10 minutes or so he was settling down, but whew it was exhausting! And that marks our first experience of what we have ahead in the terrible twos stage..oh joy!
This was once he was settled down a little...but still not a happy camper

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