We went down to St. George the week before Easter thinking we would stay through Easter and probably leave Easter or the next day, but we ended up staying through the next weekend which made our stay down there about 2 1/2 weeks! The weather was really nice versus the snowy weather up north, and with our time freed up with no work for Cory to get back to we thought, why not! It was a nice long stay and I'm sure the Ferguson's loved having Luke around for so long.
Luke had tons of fun playing in the sandbox at Cory's aunt and uncle's house and had his first experience in a swing! He really liked it! He was in that swing for probably a half hour!

Luke woke up really sick one morning a few days into our stay. He was burning up and was not his usual self at all. He would just lay limp in my arms and whine and cry...I knew he was sick. This was sicker than I had ever seen him. I knew I needed to take him to a doctor down there. He had an ear infection and of course everything turned out okay and he was doing much better being on Tylenol. After a day or two he was on his way to being back to himself. Poor boy. I hate seeing him sick, I can't imagine in the olden days when they didn't have medicine and couldn't do anything for their babies when they were sick, it would be so hard to have to be so helpless.

Easter morning was fun. The Easter bunny filled Luke's basket with yummy healthy treats. He had fun hunting for Easter eggs...we helped him spot them and then would tell him to go get them and sure enough he would!

We were going to take off after Easter, but then the weather got so warm we couldn't leave! We enjoyed some nice warm days at the pool. Luke had fun swimming.

Luke had tons of fun playing in the sandbox at Cory's aunt and uncle's house and had his first experience in a swing! He really liked it! He was in that swing for probably a half hour!
Back to our St. George stay...the entire time down there Luke loved being outside and playing with Cory's dog Sophie. She is such a good dog, nothing Luke does can bother her. She is pretty old so I'm sure that helps but she is just a really good dog. The second we would mention Sophie he would run to the door so he could go outside and play with her. Here is a picture of Luke feeding Sophie a treat.
Saturday night Luke decorated Easter eggs with Cory
Easter morning was fun. The Easter bunny filled Luke's basket with yummy healthy treats. He had fun hunting for Easter eggs...we helped him spot them and then would tell him to go get them and sure enough he would!
Before church on Easter Sunday
We were going to take off after Easter, but then the weather got so warm we couldn't leave! We enjoyed some nice warm days at the pool. Luke had fun swimming.
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