Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fat lip

Poor Luke fell twice yesterday, resulting in a fat lip. It was a tough day, he missed his nap so he was having a hard time. The first fall happened when he tripped over his blanket and hurt his lip on the inside (it was black and blue) and a few minutes later he fell backwards over and must have bit his lip because it was bleeding pretty bad. There was quite a bit of blood but he didn't cry near as much as I thought he would, until it was dinnertime and the salt off the chicken got in the cut! Poor guy, he was so upset and it hurt so bad! I took this picture of him once we got him settled down (he loves these Santa jammies still and calls them his "ho hos"). Hopefully it heals soon. I felt so bad when he was trying to eat and it kept hurting him. I tried to explain to him to chew on the other side of his mouth but it was a little hard for him to understand. Poor guy! This side of his lip is usually already swollen a little bit because he sucks on his lip and this is the side he it looks double swollen!

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