Luke LOVES to watch our wedding video! (This time he is enjoying it while sitting in his shopping cart he got for his birthday)

Luke loves to line up his cars like a train. This time the condiments from his shopping cart made it in the line up.

Another Lukey line up

One day Luke had an extra mischievous day and while I was on the phone he was in his room quietly playing (or so I thought), then he ran into the kitchen where i was and yelled excitedly "mommy, dust!" (he calls baby powder dust). Then he pointed back to where his room is and ran back. So I followed his back there and saw that he had turned his book basket upside down and used it to climb on top of his changing table to get the baby powder (it was one of those huge bottle ones) and poured all over the room! It was EVERYWHERE, and the whole room was like a cloud of powder! He was so proud! My first reaction... get the camera! Luckily it was baby powder and not some food item.

Luke got some tents from my mom and dad for his birthday and likes to hang out in them. This time Cory put Halle in there with him and he loved it! They are already such little budies. It is so cute how Luke loves to include her in things.
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