Sunday, December 28, 2008

First Christmas

Christmas Eve...
We went to my parent's house Christmas eve for dinner and our Christmas Eve traditions. My mom made a way yummy dinner. Luke loved looking at the pretty presents and tree.

My brother Jake caused some controversy by giving Luke a U of U onsie. Cory wasn't quite sure what to think about that...we don't even have any BYU apparel for Luke yet! Cory decided Luke can wear it when the U plays, as long as they aren't playing BYU!

Christmas Day...
Cory's family came up from St. George and were staying at their grandparent's house so we slept over there and were there Christmas morning. Luke was a lot more interested and involved in opening presents than we thought we would be. He had fun tearing off the wrapping paper and then was excited for what was underneath it.
Santa gave him this train that has all sorts of fun little buttons and things that make noises and he can push it around. He really likes it. He loves pushing it and walking behind it. He is so close to walking... The other day he took about 10 steps in a row really stable and sturdy. But he always ends up dropping to the ground and crawling...I think he realizes he can crawl a lot faster than he can walk! If he could slow down for a minute I think he would be walking in no time!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas card & pictures

Here is our Christmas card and pictures we took earlier this month. I love how these caught Luke's cute smile and personality!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas fun

It's been fun this year getting ready for Christmas with Luke. It's like a lot of the excitement for the holidays that you have as a little kid is back because we're so excited for Luke (even though he doesn't really know what's going on, it's still lots of fun!) Last night Cory and I went shopping for Luke for Christmas and got him a couple fun toys. I love this time of the year!!

Luke's first Santa visit - he got scared sitting on his lap so we had to get in the picture with him!

Luke LOVES looking at the Christmas tree...he loves looking at the lights. If the lights aren't on he'll look at us like, what is wrong with this thing? Then we plug them in and he gets this huge smile on his face and just looks up at it all happy. It's really cute. 

At the Ferguson family Christmas party....
Luke opening his first Christmas present at the party
Luke and two of the great grand babies...all boys!... born this year on the Ferguson side - grandma gives them all matching p.j.'s

One of Luke's favorite things now in the world is dogs. He loves them. Cory's family still has their dog Sophie so both times we've been down to St. George lately Luke loves to play with her. He gets so excited when he sees dogs - in person, pictures in books, anything. I think we'll be needing to get a dog for him someday! Here he is with Sophie...

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Growing up!

We missed our Lukie guy so much while we were gone in Europe. We took a couple pictures of him the morning before we left and kept them on our camera so we could look at him any time we wanted while we were there, here are a couple of them...

Even though we missed him so much we knew he was having lots of fun with his grandma and grandpa Bagley and that he was getting so much attention and love, so it was all okay!

While we were gone my parents and fam taught him some pretty cool new tricks like...throwing a ball, putting the rings on the plastic ring toy stick (not sure what it's called!), hitting a button on a toy to make it spin, and hitting the sweeky santa on his santa book so it will make noise!

Since we've been home, it seems like he's been learning new things everyday. I swear he is growing and learning so much right now, it's so fun. He is at such a fun age.

The other day Luke took his first steps! Since then, every day he practices his steps a little more. I think the most steps he's done in a row so far is 4. He can stand up in the middle of a room with nothing to hold onto and lower himself down too. When he stands up like that he just starts smiling so big and you can tell he is so pround of himself. He stands, takes some steps, and usually ends up plopping down on his tush. I'm sure he'll be walking pretty soon here!

He is also learning the concept of putting things away or at least putting things back where they came from. He likes to rip my newly folded landry out of the baskets and them put them back in. Yesterday he dumped out some garbage from a garbage basket (it was just a few peices of paper so it wasn't gross garbage) and then put the peices back in, and he is so proud of himself!
He is so fun and learning so much everyday! It's so fun but then also kind of sad, my little boy is growing up so quick!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Here are our Halloween pictures! As you can tell Luke was a cute tiger. Around Halloween we started doing the "rrrawwrrr" sound to him gearing him up for his tiger outfit. He started doing it back to us just in time for Halloween! Now he still likes to do it but now he adds some spunk to it by also clenching his fists while he does it! It's pretty funny! He especially does it when he's either frustrated or excited.

Halloween, with the cutest tiger ever! :)

Luke and the other kiddos at Cory's aunts house on Halloween

Wow dad that hair is pretty scary...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin carving

Last night we carved a pumpkin. We were excited to have Luke participate in his first pumpkin carving! However, most of the time he was more interested in eating the pumpkin goo, seeds, and the newspaper the pumpkin was sitting on then anything else. But still, it was fun. I have to say Cory is a master pumpkin carver, he did all the carving while I sat back and watched, or kept Luke out of trouble I should say. :) He is all over the place lately...crawling, standing up to everything, finding and eating any little peice of anything on the floor, and he gravitates to staircases, he loves to climb them. I'll have to get a video of him doing it. Anyway, here are our pictures from the pumpkin carving...
The before picture
Working hard...
"Dada can I help?"
Dad carving while mom tries to stop Luke from eating the pumpkin insides
The finished product...this is Luke's half smile half deer-in-the-headlights scared smile he has been doing lately
Good job Cor, Luke's first Halloween can now be complete with his first pumpkin carving experience!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Luke the tiger

Luke and I at the Haslam family Halloween party at my mom's house. Luke has a favorite stuffed animal that's a tiger he just loves, so when we saw this tiger costume we thought it would be perfect for him! Our cute little tiger :).

Luke was given the stuffed animal tiger from Kyle's (Cory's brother) girlfriend Nikki. He loves it! He's never gotten attached to something like this before. He has a blanket that he likes to sleep with at night and he always cuddles to that, but this is the first thing that he has ever seemed to become attached to. He will drag it around, hug and kiss it, and tackle it. I think one of the reasons he likes it so much is it's pretty big, it's almost as big as him! So he likes to tackle it and I'm guessing he thinks it's fun because it's like tackling something his own size. He responds to it's name...we'll say, "Luke, where's your tiger?" And he'll crawl really fast to it and grab it and start hugging and tackling it. It's fun to see him grow and begin to do little things like make preferences to toys, etc. He is growing so fast!


This past week we have been moving so it's been a little crazy! For the last year and a half we have been housesitting for John & Jean Groberg who have been serving as temple presidents up in Idaho Falls. John Groberg was a member of the quorm of the seventy and now is amaritus. There is a movie about him, "The Other Side of Heaven", which is really good. Anyway, we were lucky to get the opportunity to live there. The Grobergs get back in a couple weeks so my grandma Bagley offered to let us live in her basement for now until we figure out if we are going to buy a house or what. She lives just a couple blocks up from the Grobergs. So this week we have been moving all our stuff in and we are finally getting settled! 

Friday, October 10, 2008

Restaurant experience with the Lukester

Cory's mom and sister were in town this weekend so we went out to dinner with them and a bunch of Cory's family Saturday night. We took Luke and got kind of creative in ways to keep him entertained and happy at the restaurant...

First we gave him some orange slices to suck on. He made some pretty funny faces eating them, I guess oranges are really sour to him!

Then we dripped water from a straw in his mouth. He loves doing that! He could do it all day. As you can see he likes to bite down on the straw really hard with his teeth! Cory has to pull it out quick before he gets too tight of a hold!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


amie took some fun pictures of Luke on Sunday. Here are some of my favorites...

Friday, September 26, 2008

"I Love You" book

For the last month or so I've been reading books to Luke before I put him down for naps and to bed at night. He has never really shown preference for one book over the other until a couple weeks ago, he started to pay pretty good attention to this cute book called "I Love You". It's a touch and feel book so he loves to touch the soft fuzzy little things on each page. Last week I sat him in his room to play while I went around the corner to the bathroom to get ready. I heard him crawling around and then kind of struggling to pick something up. He was grunting and making noises so I went in there to find that he had crawled over to the basket I keep his books in, dug through the books until he found the "I Love You" book, pulled it out (it's pretty heavy, I'm still amazed he can get it out) and was trying to turn the pages to read it! I wondered if it was just a fluke that he chose this book over the others. But later that same day he did the same thing, went to the basket and got that book out. Since then, every day he has gone to the basket and pulled the "I Love You" book out all on his own. It's heavy and he struggles to get the pages turned and it slips around a lot on the carpet but he keeps trying! We read it at least 4 times a day, if not more, he loves it! It's so fun to see him start to show his little opinion on things like this and I love that he likes reading books, or at least this one :).

On a side note...I pretty much have the book memorized so I decided we needed some more variety. So yesterday I went to Barnes and Noble and bought him two new books. One of them is a lot like the "I Love You" book, it is a touch and feel and has the same type of bright pictures. But he doesn't seem too interested in either of the books. I try reading them to him and he just grabs them and throws them! Hah! I guess he knows what he likes!

This morning after he pulled the book out (notice all the books in the background he had to dig through and throw out of the basket to get to this book)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Weekend in St. George

We went to St. George over the weekend. It was fun for us to spend time with Cory's family and it was fun for them to see Luke, he's grown a lot lately. They hadn't seen him since before he started crawling and now he is cruising and climbing all over the place. My family was also down there because my sister did a Triathalon there on Saturday. Cory and I went to cheer her in. It was her first Triathalon and she did awesome, in the swimming part of it she came in 12th for women 40 and under! We also went to Les Miserables at the Tuachan theater with Cory's family Saturday night. It was way good! Luke had fun swimming in the pool at Grandma and Grandpa Ferguson's house as usual and playing with them. Cory's mom bought Luke a fun baby einstein bouncer toy that he sits in and can bounce and turn it has all sorts of toys on it, kind of like his exersaucer but more high tech :). It was a good weekend!

Luke loves splashing, he splashes in the pool like crazy. It's cute how much he likes it and it's kind of nice for us because he wears himself out so much doing it he always sleeps really good after! :)

At the triathalon after Jamie came in - good job Jam!

This picture is actually last week before we went to St. George, but I thought I'd include it because Luke has been doing this tricky little crawl lately - he doesn't want to drag his knees on the hard ground like the wood floor or tile (or here the cement!) so he crawls on his hands and feet with his knees off the ground like a little monkey and he's gotten really good at it! It's pretty funny.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Go Cougars!

We had fun watching the BYU game yesterday. What a win! Cory is training Luke early on what team to cheer for :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Picture day

For some reason I was camera happy today. I took a bunch of pictures of Luke, nothing special, just once I started snapping I couldn't stop!

Lately Luke loves going to the grocery store because now he can sit up like a big boy in the cart! He loves looking around at all the things and people in the store, and especially loves watching other kids being pushed past us. Right as I put him in the cart and strap him in he starts doing his little happy squeal which means he is getting excited.

So today at Costco I pulled out my camera when we were in the parking lot getting ready to load up, I thought I might as well document him in the cart and how much he likes it. I sat there taking picture after picture trying to get a good shot of him looking at me and not getting distracted by cars passing by, AND smiling, and then I realized what a dork I must look like to all the people walking by me. Here I am trying to get my kid to pose in the Costco parking lot like it was some big outing! I'm sure people thought, that poor mom, she really must not get out much! 

Here he is looking every which way but at me as I snapped off a million pictures

Finally I got the smile I was looking for!
Just hanging out on the couch later in the day

The last couple days Luke has been standing himself up! I am constantly worried he'll fall, but he usually surprises me and does pretty good lowering himself back down. He's been standing up to all sorts of things around the house. Here he is standing in his crib, and bitting the crib rail, his latest trick :)
And this is just a cute picture I couldn't resist posting!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Lots of teeth, scooting and crawling, and eating carpet!

Luke has had a couple big things happen in the last couple weeks. Now he has not two, not four, but EIGHT teeth! He is pretty young to have this many teeth! He got his top two in a couple weeks ago and within a few days got both his top and bottom side teeth. All the sudden it's like he has a full mouth of teeth! I haven't had him bite me too bad yet :).

Also, he's been scooting around the last few weeks and getting up on "his haunches" as we call it, but just over the weekend he took his first real little crawl without landing on his face. The last couple days he has been pretty mobile and seems to be getting this crawling thing down better and better, moving around quick and grabbing things that used to be out of his reach. I need to baby proof the house! There are things I never even thought of that he has started to grab! For instance, we have these rugs that are remnants of carpet. There is one big one in our family room area, one in Luke's room, one in my room. We didn't finish off the edges of these rugs because it was expensive, so sometimes the little carpet pieces fall off the edges. Well now that Luke can crawl his way to these rugs, he loves to play with the carpet on the edges of the rugs and loves when he can pull out carpet peices, and of course they go right in his mouth! I'll turn my back for a minute and turn around and Luke has little carpet strands hanging out his mouth like noodles! I have to be careful because they are kind of thick, i'm pretty sure if he swallowed one he might chock! So there is one example of little things he can now get to that I would have never thought of! Funny guy, why does he love carpet so much? We love our little Lukie boy. :)

I am so grateful to have this happy, healthy baby boy. Sometimes I don't know why I am so lucky. We love him so much and feel so blessed to have him.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Weekend in Wyoming

This last weekend Cory, Luke and I went on a little roadtrip up to Wyoming. I have done some modeling for a recreational real estate company out of Jackson and they wanted me to do a couple photoshoots over the weekend. So we went up on Thursday night and I did photoshoots on Friday and Saturday. We stayed at a cabin the owner of this company just built, it was just out of Star Valley on the way to Jackson, up a canyon in Bridger National Forest. The cabin was nice, they loaded it with good food for us, and it was at a BEAUTIFUL spot.

The first day we were up there (Friday) I did a photoshoot in the morning down on on the river. Then we came back and Cory and Luke were gone. I waited around for about an hour and they hadn't made it back yet so I was getting a little worried, then they pull up together in this!It was so funny, Cory had Luke all strapped up in this off-road thing. Cory said they were crusing around in this thing (called a Ranger) for like an hour and Luke was loving it! Later that night all three of us went for a ride in it and Luke was getting so excited, he'd kick his leg and make little noises like "vrrrr" like he was trying to sound like the Ranger. So funny.

Here are some more pictures of the trip...

The cabin

This picture really cracks me up. Cory had Luke sitting on a chair in the cabin. He looks like such a little man here! Just the way he is sitting and everything!Saturday afternoon Cory went fly fishing on the river. 
A little rocking chair just Luke's size!
Out the back of the cabin.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Lake Owyhee

Last week we went on a week long boating trip to a lake in Oregon called Lake Owyhee with my family. The lake is just over the Idaho boarder, outside of Boise an hour or so. We went there last year and really liked it, so we decided to go again. 

I was pretty worried about camping for a week with a 7 month old! And I was worried about the 7 hour drive! But it actually worked out as good as it could have. On the way up Luke did great and slept most of the time. Once we got there he loved it. He LOVES being outside so I figured he would like it. He loved constantly being outside and he liked being on the boat, too. I told Cory I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up being an outdoorsy tree hugger! Do all babies like to be outside this much? 

I kept him on a good nap schedule and it worked out great. My parents and bros and sister are awesome so I had a lot of help, and my parents bought a portable electric air conditioner! So for Luke's naps during the day we would put him in his pack n play inside one of the teepee's and plug the AC in and crank it up, and it would cool the teepee down and he would sleep great! The nights were a little harder, I'm not sure why Luke didn't sleep so good but it was probably because he just was in a unfamiliar place, and it probably didn't help that he hasn't been sleeping very good through the nights lately anyway because of his teeth cutting and getting sick. So the first couple nights he woke up a lot, and we would end up having him down sleeping with us on our pads/sleeping bags by the end of the night. He seemed to like that. I think towards the end of the trip he knew exactly what he was doing. The last night he was throwing a fit, nothing would sooth him. Finally we pulled him down on the ground in between us on our makeshift bed and he closed his eyes and a little smile went across his face! 

Here are some pictures from the trip...

Our camp site

Luke and me riding on the boat - I had him wear this little hat as often as he would let me to keep the sun off him! He was a little fisherman! Notice his hand on the bar, he would hold onto this bar constantly when the boat was running. It was like he just knew he should be holding on when the boat started going!
Luke would start getting tired on the boat after awhile and would usually end up asleep on Cory .

Chillin at the camp site...
Luke loved taking his baths there, he would splash to his heart's delight!

Lukie and me...notice his cool mohawk we made after putting sunscreen on his head :). Cory thinks I should do this to his hair everyday!

I put this picture because you can really see his new little two front teeth in it! And look at that cute face :)

Cute guy riding on the boat!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Take me out to the ballgame

Friday night was Cory's last ward softball game. They won and he hit a home run! I think he's hit a home run at every game but one this year. Luke liked playing with the snowcone ice and sucking on it.

Cory's family was in town so they came to the game. 

Luke and daddy...
Luke hanging out with his grandma Ferguson, eating his snowcone ice...

Pattycakes, top teeth, hates the vacuum, and scooting

Lately Luke loves pattycakes. I have been doing the little pattycakes song and actions with him for a couple months now and he always gets a big smile on his face when we do it, but he hasn't had the hand control or really known how to do it himself until lately. The last couple weeks I'd catch him doing it here or there, clapping his hands together. But the last few days it is constantly! If he's not sucking on something or eating, it seems like he is clapping his hands together, and when I do the pattycakes song that makes it even better. He gets a huge smile on his face or laughs and starts at it. It's really cute. This morning and yesterday morning when I went to get him out of his crib he was doing pattycakes before his eyes were even open all the way! What a funny guy.
In this picture he is kind of doing pattycakes, except he put his thumb in his mouth in the middle of it! I've been trying to get a picture of him doing it and it's really hard, this is the best i've got so far!

Top Teeth
Next, Luke got his two upper teeth! The first one was cutting through for a couple weeks and is all the way in now, and the second one just cut a couple days ago and is now all the way in. They look huge to me! I was kind of scared at first that they were going to take up his whole mouth! But my mom assured me that those top teeth always look really big when coming in. I think he's been in some pain with them cutting so his sleeping schedule has been kind of off. But that's understandable, those things are big! I can tell they will be really cute in, but it's kind of sad to think he's already getting his two front teeth - he's not just a baby anymore! With these new top teeth he has discovered that when we feed him he can bite the spoon. Sometimes it's a little tricky to pry it out of his mouth! He thinks bitting the spoon is pretty funny...

Not the vaccuum mom!
Luke is suddenly terrified on the vaccuum! He was never afraid of it before, in fact I think he kind of liked the humming of it. But now it scares him really bad. Also, the lawnmower scares him too. Cory used to take Luke's exersaucer outside and Luke would sit and play in it and watch Cory while he was mowing the lawn. Cory tried doing that the other night and Luke freaked out just like he did when I was vaccuuming earlier that day. Poor guy. I read in a book that it's really common for babies to suddenly get scared at loud noises, it's like they are all the sudden aware that things in the world could be dangerous and loud noises make sense to scare them. But it makes it a little difficult for me to figure out when to vaccuum...can't do it when he's awake because it scares him, but can't do it when he's down for a nap because it will wake him up! Lets hope this little faze doesn't last long! :)

Scooting along
Luke is really close to crawling. For the last couple weeks he has been getting up on his hands and knees and rocking. I think he just needs a little more arm strength to get crawling. But he is already pretty mobile because he is scooting everywhere. He scoots all ways, but mostly backwards and in circles. I'm not quite sure if I'm ready for him to be crawling all around! I need to babyproof the baesment first!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Summer fun

The last couple weeks have been really fun and busy! We've been gone a lot, and other than Cory and me getting pretty sick last week with a killer cold which turned into bronchitis (luckily it's gone now!) we've been having lots of fun. Here is what we've been up to...

We went to Draper Days parade with my family and watched the fireworks. Even though we don't live in Draper we still had to do Draper days, it's a tradition! Here is a picture of my dad with Luke at the parade...

Then that weekend to early last week my dad's side of the family had a get together with all the families up in Park City at the Marriott up there for a couple nights, it was lots of fun! We went boating one of the mornings, hung out at the pool, had some good meals made by my grandma Bagley.

Here is a picture of Luke boating. We went to Deer Creek and it was overcast that day so it was a little chilly till the sun came out. So we wrapped Luke up in a little baby burrito wrap. He was so funny, just laying back relaxing all wrapped up.

Luke doesn't have any cousins on either mine or Cory's sides and it could be awhile because we are both the oldest and none of our brothers or sisters are married yet. So I am always kind of bummed that Luke won't have any cousins close to his age to play with. But, he has a second cousin that he is really close in age to! My dad's youngest brother Dave and his wife Sue had their 4th kid, which was a boy, 2 months after we had Luke. So they are really close in age. Here is Davis and Luke looking at each other...they will be little buddies!

We were home for a day from Park City and then headed down to St. George mid-week for the 24th of July and the weekend to hang out with Cory's family.
Me and Luke drove down with Cory's mom because she was already up here, and Cory drove down later that night when he got off work. On the way down Cory's mom had some fun dressing Lukeup like Davie Crockett at a convenience store...
On the 24th we went to a baseball game. St. George has a minor league team called the Roadrunners, and after the game there were fireworks. We didn't know if Luke would be scared or what. But by that time (about 10:30) he was already so tired, he got a little fussy with the fireworks and then about halfway through them he actually fell asleep in my arms! And they were loud fireworks! He must have been exhausted. Here's a picture of Luke and Cory's sister Jamie at the game...
We went over to Cory's aunt's and uncle's house for a 24th of July breakfast, they went all out with pancakes, fruit, dutch oven potatoes, eggs, sausage, etc. After breakfast we went to their son's play room and he had this cute doggy rocking thing that Luke had fun sitting on!

It was really hot down there, so we of course did lots of swimming and laying out by the pool. Luke loved the pool this time. It took him a minute to figure it out, but pretty soon he was splashing all over the place. Since it was so hot outside so he would get worn out after not too long, but he really liked the water. He also loved being in his little turtle floaty toy. He would just lay back and relax in it, and he liked kicking his legs around really fast so he would move around in the little turtle.
Splashing around......Loving the turtle.....