Tuesday, April 29, 2008

We have a roller!

Luke has been rolling over onto his side for a few weeks now and has been doing it a lot the past couple weeks. Up until now when he tries to roll over he almost gets all the way, but just can't quite figure out how to get his arm out from under him so he can make it all the way. He actually made it all the way over once a couple weeks ago but I figured it was a fluke because it never happened again.

Well, today I was eating my cereal for breakfast and had him laying down on his back on the floor on his blanket next to me, and he started rolling over on his side like he does, and then all the sudden I looked back down and had made it over on his stomach, and pulled his arms out from under him, and he was all the way over! I was so excited, I know it's just a little thing but it was so cute and you could tell he thought it was pretty neat that he did it! He was smiling and all happy. So I ran and grabbed my camera, thinking he might do it again. I turned him over on his back, and sure enough he did it again! I took this sequence of pictures as he did it. I called Cory to tell him, and then I thought I'd have to try it again later to make sure it wasn't just a one time thing. So later on I put him down on the ground on his back and had to run in the other room for a minute, and by the time I got back he was already on his stomach with his head held up all high, it was so cute! 

So after that third roll-over I decided we officially have a roller. No more laying him down on beds I guess! Cory is sitting on the ground with him right now trying to get him to do it again. He's getting kind of fussy since it's nighttime so I don't know if he'll do it again tonight, but I'm sure we'll be seeing it again soon!

Monday, April 28, 2008

My first Yankees tee

Cory loves baseball and is a big Yankees fan. So last fall when Cory and I went to New York we of course went to a Yankees game. I was pregnant at the time and we had just found out it was a boy, so we bought him this little "My first Yankees tee" shirt. Cory has been so excited to have Luke wear it ever since he was born, I think the week we came home from the hospital after having Luke he wanted to put him, but I had to convince him it was too big! It finally fits him now and it's warm enough outside for him to wear it! So here are some pictures of him in his first little yankees tee.

We are loving the nice weather. We took these pictures tonight while we were outside BBQ-ing on the deck and went a little picture happy. I went on a walk with Luke earlier today and then we went on a walk again tonight when Cory got home. 

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Exersaucer and other fun pictures

I had to post a picture of Luke in his exersaucer. He is really starting to like playing in this and it's a great toy...it keeps him busy for a little while so I can get some things done and it gets his little legs bouncing away! It's fun to watch him in it.
Luke standing all by himself! Okay, well not all by himself...he is leaning up against Cory's legs. I thought it was funny how the picture made it look like he was standing by himself. He will stand there leaned up against one of us like that for awhile and he loves it as you can tell!
So cute. Luke fell asleep on my dad's shoulder last night. He hardly ever does this anymore, but he was exhausted!
I love this look he gets on his face...so attentive. And his little head is so cute when he holds it up high like this, his neck stretched up. He has a cute little chin.
Me and my boy
Love that smile!
Strong guy holding his head up

Thursday, April 10, 2008

3 months old

Today Luke is 3 months old! Here are some things that he has been doing lately…
-He holds his head up pretty good when he's on his tummy. He usually isn't the biggest fan of tummy time, but the last couple days he is starting to act like he likes it a little better.
-He loves to stand! It surprises me how strong his little legs are, we'll sit there and hold him up standing and he'll do it for forever!
-He has discovered his lately hands and he loves them. They are constantly clasped out in front of him together with his fingers all intertwined. If they aren't in that position they are in his mouth. He loves sucking on his hands, I think he might be a thumb sucker once he figures out how to just put his thumb in his mouth and not his whole hand!
-He is smiling so much and it’s the cutest thing. I love when I smile at him and he smiles back.
-He is making little noises more than ever and he will kind of carry on a conversation with me with his little noises. He’ll make a noise, and I’ll say something back to him, and we’ll go back and forth like that for awhile. It’s really fun to see him trying to communicate like that.
- He is starting to get more hair in. When he was born he had a good amount of hair, but then he lost it all! But it’s starting to come back, especially on the top, and it sticks straight up and is all fluffy. It’s cute!
-He also has developed his dad’s “Yoda ears” – Cory had these ears when he was a baby too and they stick out a little at the top, it’s really cute! I think Cory’s were a little more “Yoda-ish” then Luke’s are. I guess when Cory had them when he was little they used to call him Yoda so that’s when the name comes from.

Yesterday Luke did the funniest thing. I was at my mom’s and she was holding him and he coughed, and then it was like he realized he made a new noise and remembered how he did it and he fake coughed like 10 times in a row! He was smiling at himself doing it and you could totally tell it was a fake cough. He just did it and thought it would be fun to do it again! It was really cute.

It's so fun to see him learn these new little things and it's amazing to me how much he grows up and learns all the time, and how far he has come in three months! I can’t believe he is already 3 months. It’s so fun to have him grow, but at the same time it’s sad! He will never be that little newborn again! But every stage is so fun and I just have to remember to enjoy it all while I can because he’s growing so fast, soon he’ll be all grown up!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Luke's blessing day

This past Sunday was Luke’s baby blessing. What a special and fun day that was for us! First off, he had the cutest little white outfit my aunt Tami found for me. It was a little one piece cable knit, sweater material, short sleeved outfit with a little pocket in the front, and had a cute little hat to match. Tami (my dad’s sister) found it at Baby Gap and it was so nice that she found it and I didn’t have to worry about going out in the cold to shop with Luke.

Our church starts at 12:30pm but Sacrament meeting is last, so Sacrament meeting started at about 2:20. We had quite a few family and friends show up for it, of course both of our immediate families were there and a lot of Cory’s mom’s side (the Bagshaw’s) came, my dad’s side (Bagley’s), and a few from the Ferguson and Haslam families. Also we had a few friends come as well. It was really nice for all those people to come; we have a lot of great and supportive friends and family!

Cory did a great job with the blessing. I asked him if he was nervous and he said he was a little. He wanted to prepare for it so Saturday he talked to his dad about it for a little while and Sunday morning he spent time reading his scriptures and church talks and stuff to get prepared.

The only kink was…Cory didn’t have a microphone when giving the blessing! It was a major bummer, I could barely hear him. I guess the guy who normally sets up the mic for things like this in our ward wasn’t there that day and so it kind of got forgotten and the bishopric forgot about it too. Luckily my grandma Bagley had gotten there early and saved us some seats up front, so I was close enough that I could hear most of the blessing. I had to strain pretty hard to hear it but once the congregation realized he had not mic everyone got a lot quieter and I was able to hear a little better. It really was too bad, especially because a lot of our family who came couldn’t hear it. Oh well, I guess the most important thing is that I could hear it. Our bishopric felt really bad about it, one of the counselors sent Cory an email yesterday apologizing. So it’s okay. I didn’t even think to tape record it and I wish I would have, but I bet the recorder wouldn’t have picked up on it anyway. My aunt Melodee (my dad’s brother Ron’s wife) was sitting behind me and jotted down as much as she could hear for me, which was really nice of her. And I had Cory write down what he remembered saying also so we could remember it. I have those notes from him and I’m going to type them in the end of this entry.

It was a really nice, sweet blessing. Luke didn’t make a peep, although Cory said that he let a “toot” in the circle that stunk pretty bad! That’s one really funny thing about this kid, he lets these stinkers and they are STINKY, they can clear a room! You wouldn't think such a little guy could let such stinky ones! I thought it was pretty funny that he did that in the circle during his blessing. Like I said he didn’t cry during the blessing, but not long after he got fussy and I had to take him out of the meeting for awhile and calm him down until he fell asleep.

I ended up getting up and bearing my testimony, I was the last one of the meeting to do it. I thought I probably would but before I knew it the meeting was almost over, so I got up. Right when I got to the pulpit I couldn’t even talk I was so choked up and starting crying. I was just overwhelmed with thankfulness and gratitude, and my love for this little boy. We are so blessed to have him. He is such a sweetheart and has brought so much into our life. I am just so thankful for the blessing of families and that we can be together forever, and I’m thankful for the priesthood and that Cory was able to bless our little boy.

We decided to invite friends and family who wanted to come to a get together at our house afterwards for some food and to visit. Lots of people brought salads and desserts and we did chicken salad on croissant rolls, so there was lots of yummy food. It was a fun day! Luke was so tuckered out after the whole thing that he slept so good that night!

I wish I had more pictures from the blessing day and the party we had after, but I forgot and we just didn't get that many.

Here is what Cory wrote after he gave the blessing of the main things he remembered saying in the blessing:
Luke’s Blessing: (March 30, 2008), Given by Cory Ferguson
-Your parents love you and are grateful for you and the joy and happiness you have brought them.
-Bless you with the desire for education and learning and to seek out good things.
-Know that prayer is important and is where you can turn to your Heavenly Father and find the answers to what you are seeking or searching for.
-Have faith, stay strong in the gospel, let your faith become strong so that you can come to a realization of the truthfulness of the Savior Jesus Christ and the truthfulness of the church.
-Develop a strong testimony. Have a desire to take your testimony to others and find those that search for truth.
-Bless you that you will find your love and be able to take her to the temple and be married for all eternity.
-Again, we are grateful that you were brought into our life and we love you.

Blessing outfit pictures

My sister Jamie is a great photographer and she did a little photoshoot for us with Luke in his cute blessing outfit. So here are a few of the pictures from that. We couldn't get a good one of him with his hat on...he's not the biggest fan of hats and he didn't like this one any better! The one of him screaming with it on shows how he really feels about the situation ... silly guy... the life of a baby can be so tramatic!