Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Luke's first fieldtrip

Luke had his first fieldtrip the other day, it was to a corn maze and pumpkin patch in Provo. Grandma Lori tended Halle while I took Luke on this field trip. We had lots of fun having a "Mommy and Lukey day" as Luke calls it.

Carving pumpkins!

The kids have had a great time getting ready for Halloween this year between the decorating and all the fun activities we've done and places we've gone. Luke is at a really fun age where he totally gets everything to do with holidays and is so eager for them to come and to do any activities we have planned. It's been really fun to see Halle get into Halloween this year. It's really her first holiday that she has been old enough to really get it and get into it. She follows whatever Luke says so when he gets excited about carving pumpkins, of course she is too! It's a lot of fun to have them and their excitement for life. They keep our life fun and entertaining!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Go Cougars!

We went to our first BYU game as a family last Saturday. We figured we'd last till about halftime, which is when we did! Luke and Halle loved doing the cougar fight song and cheering. Luke kept his attention a lot longer than Halle, I ended up having to resort to using the phone for entertainment for her.

Luke had a great time at the game. Not only that but he loved seeing the firetruck on the way out. At halftime when we were leaving Luke said, "I just love football games, can we come back tomorrow?"

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

First big boy sleepover

Luke has been talking about having a sleepover "all by himself" at Grandma's house for awhile now, we think due to a Little Critters book he has about having a sleepover at Grandma & Grandpa's house. So I arranged for him to have a sleepover at Grandma Lori's & Grandpa Sheldon's house, which he was super excited about. He spent all day packing toys and things to take with him to Grandma's house. I took this picture when Grandma Lori came and picked Luke up. He had so much fun! What a big boy!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Halloween cookie making

I love making sugar cookies for holidays. This time we were making them to take around for our neighborhood "Boo". It was a two day process. First night, we made the dough, cut out the cookies, and baked them.The next night, we frosted. The kids had a blast and I'm pretty sure more frosting ended up in their mouths than actually on the cookies. They would frost them, get their hands all sticky, then run to the bathroom and wash them, then come back for more and get them sticky all over again.
Luke figured out the best way to clean up spilled frosting...why not just lick it up?

Gardener Village

We've been going to Gardener Village a lot this month. The kids love going and looking at all the cute witch displays they have set up. I think this was our third time there! We fed the ducks. I love the picture of Luke standing all by himself because it caught his "thoughtful" look so well. I tried so hard to get a picture of the kids sitting side by side on the bridge, but as you can see, it wasn't easy and I didn't have much success. Halle was into the picture taking this day and Luke kept running from the camera. Finally, at the end, I got a snap of both of them looking at the camera - a small miracle!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Feelings faces

Luke has been really into drawing faces that are different feelings lately (happy, sad, angry, excited, etc.). He is also really into colors and counting. So today he decided he was going to draw 10 different feelings faces in 10 different colors. He worked very hard at it so we decided to hang them up on his closet doors when he was done. Also, I took a picture of him holding the brown picture because it was the first time I've seen him draw ears and hair on a face. Up until now it has just been him drawing the head and the eyes, nose and mouth. But today he took it a step further with some of those other features. I thought it was really cute and smart.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Riding bikes

Soon it will be too cold to ride bikes, so we're trying to get in as many days outside as we can!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Halloween at the Dinosaur Museum

Thanksgiving Point has lots of fun things going on through the month of October, so Saturday we took the kids to the dinosaur museum and they got to dress up in their costumes and go through the museum and do some halloween art projects. They loved making these cute witch/wizard hats and wands.

Art projecting

We are really into art projects around here. Stickers, coloring, painting, whatever it is, the kids love it. Luke loves to do art and it keeps him busy, and of course Halle wants to be right in on whatever Luke is doing. But just lately she's actually getting old enough to do a lot of this stuff with him. We used to keep the projects for him to do during Halle's nap time, but lately we can include her on most of the stuff and don't have to worry about her destroying it anymore. It's fun for Luke to have her join in, they make a great little team.

This day we were doing Halloween cards for uncle Jake to send to him on his mission in South Korea. The kids love to make cards. Both of them made some really fun ones.Afterwards, Luke was a little worn out and cozied up on the floor with his favorite blue blankey. He loves it to bits. I don't know what we'd ever do if we lost it. That can't be an option, we'll just have to guard it with our lives :).