Thursday, April 11, 2013

Green eggs (minus the ham)

Luke's preschool has been reading lots of Dr. Seuss lately and Luke loves the book Green Eggs and Ham, so he asked me to make that for breakfast this morning. We didn't have any ham, but I was able to pull off the green eggs! When he gets an idea in his mind (like green eggs for breakfast) he won't stop till it happens! Determination, persistence, whatever you want to call it, he has it! Sometimes they are little things we can manage, like green eggs. Other times they are big full on art projects and things that are a little trickier. But they are usually doable things, so I try to run with his imagination as much as we can. Love this sweet boy!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Lemonade for sale

The kids are REALLY into lemonade stands this year already, and it's only April! AND we haven't had that many warm days so far. We did a lemonade stand last month when it was warmer and they've wanted to do one ever since. Last week they wanted to do one but it was a rainy day, so I looked at the weather and found that the next dry day was supposed to be Wednesday, so I told them we could do it then. It was days off, so most kids would forget by then, right? Not these kids! They were counting down the days, and even set up the table and everything in my room the day before for a practice run! Wednesday (today) came, and it was pretty chilly out there. But I couldn't tell them we'd have to postpone again after all that, plus we are going to St. George tomorrow so we couldn't do it over the weekend. So they had their lemonade stand and had two customers (the Daws from next door).

Luke has been really into earning money lately, so of course Halle follows suit. Luke has been doing all sorts of little jobs around the house and so has Halle. They say they are saving up for souvenirs in Disneyland.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Nemo and Rudolph live on

We finally got a bigger tank for our goldfish Nemo and Rudolph. It's one my sister Jamie had and wasn't using anymore. We got these fish back when Luke was potty training and was finally able to go #2 in the toilet, so I know it was over two years ago. We actually did go through about five Rudolphs before we found one that survived, but we've had the same Nemo all along. Once we got a Rudolph that was a survivor he's been here for forever too.

So basically, these fish have gotten huge. We have no idea how they got so big. I don't even dare change their water anymore because I'm afraid they will jump out of the net when I'm moving them out of the tank! The old tank was much smaller and the fish looked so cramped in their, so it's good we got this new one.

The kids had fun seeing Nemo and Rudolph swim around their new territory. Luke and Halle keep asking for a dog, but I have to remind them we already have TWO pets - Nemo and Rudolph. Luke and Halle aren't so sure they count, but I am, at least for now!