Friday, June 26, 2015

Flashrider 360

This red bike took over our day, but we have a happy boy here. Our house is a disaster due to me spending every spare second I had this afternoon assembling Luke's new toy, but it's done! Luke's a saver and finally found something he wanted to spend his $$ on. It called the flashrider 360. It spins out and the breaks spark..pretty cool. It was $83 with tax so a big purchase for Luke, but he's having tons of fun with it and I think he'll have a great time with it this summer. 

He has been doing extra jobs for a week or so to earn some money to add to what he already had so he could get it. Thanks to our bank no longer having change counting machines, he paid for it with $10 worth of quarters, $3 worth of dimes and nickels, and lots of bills. The cashier at target was so cute about it. 

He is so proud! He keeps saying how weird it feels to have almost all his money gone. And he's hanging on tight to that receipt.."if anything goes wrong I have 90 days to return it, mom." Good job Lukey! What a big, responsible boy!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Last week of 1st grade!

We had fun visiting Luke at his school field day on Tuesday. His school has been doing fun activities all week. I'm pretty sure he just stared 1st grade..can it really be ending already?!

At field day. They had a carnival with big bounce houses, relay races, snow cones, body art, and lots of fun things! We had a lot of fun visiting him there. Also, Luke was one of the fastest boys in his class so he got to compete in the Ninja Warrior race against the fastest 1st grade boys!

The twins even came to see Luke at his school. 

We're going to miss his awesome teachers Mrs. Chapman (English teacher) and Miss McGarry (Chinese teacher). He has loved both of them so much and has learned so much this year! 

Luke won 2nd place in the whole 1st grade in the Ninja Warrior race! Way to go Luke!

Yesterday was Luke's last day of school. I compared his first and last days of school. Look how much he has grown up! It makes me sad to see, but he is growing into such a good, smart and grea boy. 

He brought home lots of assignement. I thought this one was cute. He loves his teacher. He said this was about Mrs. C. 

This says "Christmas party". 

To celebrate the last day we went to the "famous snow cone place" as the kids call it. 

And then Luke and Halle had a sleepover and watched a movie. We are excited for summer!