Sunday, March 12, 2017

Almost done!

Last night Cory and I had the capstone dinner for his Executive MBA program. I can't believe he's down to his last three months (hallelujah!!) It's been a busy two years but he's loved the program so it's made it all worth it. I'm so proud of him and all his hard work juggling the program, work, and our family, and he does it all so well! He's tried very hard, and I'd say succeeded, to still be present as much as possible so he can be around and involved with the kids and I, even with how busy he's been. We'll be glad to have all our weekends and nights back with him! ❤

Monday, March 6, 2017

Luke just said to me, "So, you were born in like, the 1900s?"
I said, "yes."
And then all the kids in carpool went quiet for a minute, apparently processing this 🤣. I feel old!

Location:Mom is old!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Wacky Wednesday

Halle is all ready for 1st grade Wacky Wednesday for Dr. Suess week, and Luke is a little wacky everyday, obviously 😜.