Monday, December 26, 2011


We had a great Christmas!

Christmas Eve at Grandma Lori's house.
The Christmas play. Cute angels. 

One of the angels is sneaking a little nose pick :).

Here come Joseph and Mary and the baby Jesus.

It was so cute how seriously the kids took their little roles. They were so very reverent and took gentle care of the baby Jesus. Especially Luke. He was so sweet and reverent and looked so proud.

Christmas Eve jammies

Christmas morning!

Luke got his first big boy bike! (you can see the wheel here) It's a red Lightening McQueen bike.

The kids got this play kitchen. Halle loves it!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

December pictures

With their favorite blankies

They set up little beds in these boxes and had lots of fun in them

Gingerbread house decorating

With Great Grandma Jo Jo

At the Ferguson family Christmas party

Luke helping out at a young women's activity

Visiting reindeer at Thanksgiving Point

At the Haslam family party about to do the PiƱata 

At the Bagshaw family party

Christmas card

Monday, December 19, 2011

Luke says the darndest things

Luke has been cracking us up lately. Here are some of the funny things he has said in the last week or so:

One day he and Halle were talking about brothers and sisters. Luke said, "Hansel and Gretel are brother and sister, Leo and Annie (characters from one of his favorite shows Little Einsteins) are brother and sister, Luke and Halle are brother and sister, and Mommy and Daddy are brother and Sister!" Hmmm. I couldn't stop laughing to myself after I overheard him and Halle having that conversation and still can't. Not quiet sure how to explain that one!

All the sudden he's been getting very dramatic with us when he gets in trouble. Like the other night Cory had to reprimanded him for something (I can't remember what) and Luke told him, "I don't want to live with you anymore!"
Then Cory asked him, "Then where are you going to live?"
Luke said, "My room!"

Or the other day he told me, "You are a bad mommy and you need to go to timeout for 100 years!" I have to say, the 'bad Mommy' part made me feel a little bad. This is the first time he has said anything like this to me. But he was very tired and emotional and so I quickly brushed it off. I had just gotten his jammies on him and asked him to stay in his room and pick out a story and I would be back in a minute to read it to him. Obviously he was not ready for bedtime. After things had settled down and plenty of tears I picked him up, gave him a big hug and rocked him in my arms, and he was very sorry. And I was reminded that he's not as big as he sometimes looks or seems.

Ever since Halloween Luke and Halle like to pretend like they are witches and "cast spells" and pretend to change each other into different animals and things. Then there was a Halloween Little Einsteins they watched where a witch or something casts an "evil spell" on someone and the kids have to sing a song or something to help break it. So with those things in mind, yesterday after church Luke and Halle were running around the house playing.
They must have been playing witches or pretending to cast spells because all the sudden I heard Luke say, "Halle, you can break the evil spell by saying, 'Glory to God' or 'Jesus from Heaven!''

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Map to Santa's house

Luke knows the way to Santa's house AND has it all drawn out on the above map. You have to go over a red bridge, past the yellow library, over a big blue rock, past the green North Pole, and past the cookie place which is a giant brown chocolate chip cookie. Then you will finally be to Santa's house. It's purple.

As you can tell, this map has gotten a lot of usage already. Luke and Halle love to ride around the basement on their bikes and Luke carries this map and tells Halle to follow him as they hit each stop on the way to Santa's house in the different corners of the basement. Luke has a wonderful imagination and Halle does too and follows right along with him. I'll hear him call, "Come on, Halle, to the North Pole!" and she'll respond, "Okay, Lukey!" And off they go on their bikes. Too cute.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Letters to Santa

Here are Luke's letters so far this year to Santa.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Luke's Christmas card to uncle Jake on a mission

I love the card Luke made for uncle Jake on his mission in South Korea this year. I asked him to tell me what he wanted to say to Jake and here's what he said:

"Dear Jake, I wish you will love Santa. I am asking Santa for a Thomas Shake Shake Bridge and a cooking thing with a fridge and oven and a bike with a red helmet. We saw Santa at the mall. I like snoopy. We like a show on Disney Channel called Jake and the Neverland Pirates that has your name in it.