Saturday, January 16, 2016

Brother/sister sleepover

These two are the cutest. I love that they love to have brother/sister sleepovers in the front room. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

8 years old!

Two days ago my best little buddy turned eight years old! He has such a fun, sweet personality and we are so proud of the good big kid he is growing up to be! I can't believe that that little baby is now such a grown up boy, but I love watching him learn and grow and I never knew how much I would enjoy having a big kid. What a wonderful boy to have as our oldest! He's a great example to our entire family. We love you Luke! 

Birthday breakfast...Darth Vader waffles 

Double layered chocolate cake...Luke's request 

It's pretty hard to get Luke to take a serious picture these days

He got this neat Ninjago Lego set for his birthday. He got to open this present in the morning and since this birthday was on a Sunday it worked out well because he was able to build some before church and spend the entire afternoon after church finishing it up. 

Love my special boy!

Just before bed 

Happy 8 years old Lukey guy!